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4.1 Indoor Pollutants

Information correct as of 25thJanuary 2025. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.

Accreditation – sampling and testing laboratories - KBCN1337

Analysis / testing laboratory NC 2016 or newer: Where an organisation used for the analysis of indoor air or emissions from building products is not accredited to ISO/IEC 17025, the organisation must be accredited, either by a national accreditation body, or by a member of any one of the following accreditation groups: European Cooperation for Accreditation International Accreditation Forum International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation The accreditation must specifically cover the analysis of indoor air or emissions from building products. Other schemes: Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 is not required in the criteria. However, this KBCN has been applied to encourage a consistent approach towards accreditation. Accreditation by a national or internationally recognised organisation helps to ensure rigorous, consistent and reliable testing results. Sampling organisation If another organisation carries out sampling on behalf of the analysis / testing laboratory, this organisation does not need to be accredited to the above. However, they must provide a brief report justifying: This report is provided to the BREEAM assessor and submitted as supporting evidence for this issue.
31-Oct-2022 Wording clarified. Scheme applicability updated.
10-Oct-2022 Title amended for clarity. Scheme applicability updated.
24-May-2022 Updated to differentiate between sampling and analysis requirements. 
07-May-2021 Added clarification regarding alternative qualifications. 
10-May-2021 Updated scheme applicability.

Emissions from products – Guidance Note 22 (GN22) - KBCN0719

Latest version: v2.9, September 2024 Within the Health and Wellbeing category of several BREEAM schemes, credits are awarded for specifying materials that minimise emissions from building products of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The criteria involve meeting emission level performance requirements in accordance with compliant performance and testing standards. Guidance Note 22 (GN22) lists schemes that show equivalent or better performance than the current BREEAM and HQM criteria, and therefore can be used to demonstrate compliance with the criteria. This document should be read in conjunction with the relevant assessment issue guidance provided in the appropriate BREEAM or HQM technical manual. The guidance note contains two tables: Download Guidance Note 22 View all Guidance Notes on BREEAM Projects (licensed assessors only)
30-Sep-2024 - Updated for release of GN22 2.9
01-Feb-2024 - Updated for release of GN22 2.8
31-Jan-2023 - Updated for release of GN22 2.7
10-Oct-2022 - This KBCN merged with KBCN0646. Title amended to align with standard KBCN naming format for clarity and consistency. Made applicable to UK and International NC V6.
25-Jan-2019 - Link to Guidance Note updated
12-Mar-2018 - Link to Guidance Note updated

Emissions from products – scope of assessment - KBCN0212

General This issue covers any product installed or applied inside the inner surface of the building’s infiltration, vapour or waterproof membrane. Where this membrane is not present, it applies to the inside of the building envelope’s interior-facing thermal insulation layer. Only products that are installed or applied in parts of the building where their emissions are likely to affect indoor air quality need to be assessed. Paints and coatings Any decorative paints and varnishes that occupants are exposed to should be assessed. This is likely to include paints and coatings applied to walls, ceilings, floors, doors, etc. Whole products A finish applied to a product in the factory is assessed as a whole product, and not separately as a paint or coating. For instance, a wood panel has a finish applied in the factory. The whole panel, including all the elements that make up that panel, would need to comply with the requirements set for wood panel products in this issue. The finished product as a whole must meet the performance requirements / emission limits set in the manual.
11-Oct-2022 - Title amended for clarity and consistency. Content merged with KBCN0871.
10-Oct-2022 - Wording simplified. Scheme applicability updated.
16-Jun-2017 - Title and general principle amended to extend the applicability of the KBCN to all finishes. Paints specified for specialist applications covered in KBCN0872.

Emissions from products – specialist paints and coatings - KBCN0872

Where a paint or coating falls within: then the paint or coating must be assessed. Specialist paints and coatings are exempted from meeting the emission limits where there are no alternative products available that can perform the function, and still meet the emission limits. This must be clearly evidenced.
27-Oct-2022 Wording clarified. New compliance principle added from UKNC V6.
10-Oct-2022 Title amended for clarity. Scheme applicability updated.
13-Mar-2020 KBCN amended to clarify exceptions and applicability.
16-Jun-2017 Content merged with KBCN0212.

Erratum – Minimising airborne TVOCs (total volatile organic compounds) from all sources - KBCN1397

The benchmark for 4.1 Criterion 10 should reads as follows: The TVOC concentration in indoor air is measured post construction (but pre-occupancy) and does not exceed 0.5 mg/m3 (500 µg/m3), averaged over 8 hours.(41) Reference 41, HM Government Approved Document F Ventilation 2010, sets a lower threshold, however for the purposes of HQM One, the threshold stated above is correct. This will be corrected in the next reissue of the technical manual.

Erratum- Representative sampling of indoor air - KBCN1645

There is a discrepancy in the manual within the methodology section ‘Representative sampling of indoor air’. Please refer to the below instead: Sample of indoor air principles Sample strategy for developments The sample size can be modified to suit the developments specific environment and design if recommended by the accredited organisation undertaking the sampling. In this case a suitable sampling strategy must be produced that outlines the different groups outlined above, the rate of sampling per group type and how the sampling strategy still meets the intended requirements of the issue. Justification for the sample group types The Formaldehyde and TVOC concentrations are predominantly influenced by emissions from internal finishes and fittings. The concentrations of the emissions will depend on the source volume, the source rate, the room volume and the ventilation rate. This can be different based on size, type and layout of the building. In addition, the location of the homes should be taken into account as post-construction testing can be influenced by when the home was completed, with homes finished first having a lower emission rate, by external emission factors such as proximity to a road and a variety in ventilation strategies for homes in different locations such as in a high rise building.

This will be corrected in the next reissue of the technical manual.

Post-construction measurement- TVOC concentration using BS ISO 16000-6: 2021 VOCs in air by active sampling - KBCN1642

Where BS ISO 16000-6: 2021 VOCs in air by active sampling is used, the TVOC concentration measurement can be performed over a 40-60 minute period.

VOC product emission certificates – validity - KBCN1689

Where it can be demonstrated that construction product emission certificates were valid either at the time of specification, or at time of purchase, they may contribute to awarding credits.

BREEAM is primarily trying to encourage designers to take construction product emissions into consideration when specifying or selecting products and as such it is not necessary for certification to be valid at the time of design or post-construction stage submissions.

Information correct as of 25thJanuary 2025. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.