New Construction / UK / 2014 / 03-Energy /

Ene 03 – External Lighting

Information correct as of 25thOctober 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Emergency lighting - KBCN0185

Maintained systems featuring emergency light fittings which are also used for normal operation, are assessed for this issue. Non-maintained lighting which is only activated in an emergency can be excluded from the assessment. NC / RFO / BIU V6 Ene 17: The aim of these credit(s) is to encourage and recognise energy-efficient fittings. Non-maintained emergency lighting will very rarely be activated and in such extremes the emergency requirements must not be compromised. BIU V6 Hea 05: Flicker is eliminated from maintained systems only.
24-Jan-2024 - Scheme applicability updated to include BIU V6.

External lighting inside wider building - KBCN0906

Where a building undergoing assessment is located inside of another building, for example a retail unit within a shopping centre, Ene 03 External lighting and Pol 04 Reduction of night time light pollution should be assessed as follows; Ene 03 'External lighting' that is inside of the wider building, using the example above the lighting is external of the retail unit itself but inside of the wider shopping centre, criteria relating to the luminous efficacy should be applied as presented within the manual. For the criteria relating to controlled for prevention of operation during daylight hours and presence detection in areas of intermittent pedestrian traffic, however, instead of demonstrating that the lighting is not operational during daylight hours, it should be demonstrated that the lighting is not operational outside of the operational hours of the wider shopping centre. Any external lighting within the scope of works being assessed that is located outside of the wider shopping centre, for example if the retail unit had an entrance or exit that leads on to the street outside, this would need to be assessed against the criteria presented within the manual. Pol 04 If the building undergoing assessment has no external lighting that is outside of the wider building, it can be considered that the building has no external lighting. However, as above, any external lighting within the scope of works of the assessment that is located outside of the wider building will need to be assessed as the criteria is presented within the manual.
10/05/2019 Reference to specific criteria numbers removed and made applicable to UK NC2018

Night-time operation – requirement for controls - KBCN1048

Projects or areas of an asset which operate at night-time can adapt or omit the requirement to provide controls or presence detection to align with the building’s hours of operation. This could, for example, include service yards or car parks. The aim of this Issue is to reduce the energy use for external lighting and should not interfere with the building’s operation.
02 Oct 2024 - Updated to clarify the scope of the this guidance and applied to NCV6 and BIU.

Presence detection – illuminated signs - KBCN1671

The requirements for presence detection do not apply to illuminated signs. In BIU V6, presence detection requirements are included as part of automatic energy saving controls. All other requirements in this criteria must still be met.

RGB LED lighting - KBCN0986

RGB LED lighting must be assessed against the average external lighting efficacy benchmark. The current criteria do not completely rule out the use of RGB LED lighting as it can potentially be combined with other types of external lighting to meet the average efficacy benchmark.

Security lighting - KBCN0915

The criteria generally apply to all external lighting, including security lighting. However, due to specific security requirements, there may be situations where a particular aspect of the criteria cannot be met, as they would compromise the development's security. For example, the use of PIR sensors may not be appropriate in high security developments, where continuous night-time CCTV surveillance is required. In such cases, where this is justified by the security consultant or other appropriate member of the design team, compliance can demonstrated for the security lighting by meeting all other relevant criteria. BREEAM does not seek to not impose requirements which could potentially compromise the development’s security strategy
10.03.2020 - KBCN amended following review. It has been determined that the criteria for this Issue must be applied to all security lighting, except as described above. KBCN no longer applicable to UK NC2011 as there is no criterion relating to PIR in this scheme.

Information correct as of 25thOctober 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.