Home Quality Mark / HQM ONE / C Delivery / 11 Customer Experience /

11.2 Home Information

Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.

Erratum-HQM Charter - KBCN1608

The following text was included in the HQM ONE manual in error: The HQM charter and details regarding the support and assurances provided as part of this, including what to do if the charter is breached. The above is not required.  

Home information – certificate after occupant moves in - KBCN1281

The HQM scorecard and certificate are required as part of home information when occupants have moved in to make them aware of HQM and how it adds value for them and their home. 

If the HQM certificate will not be issued when occupants are due to move in, confirmation should be included as part of the Home information, which says that HQM certification has been targeted and the certificate will be issued separately, subject to successful approval by the certification body, BRE Global. The information should also cover general information about HQM including a link to the website and who they should contact (e.g. the home builder) for information or updates on this.

If a design stage certificate has been issued for the home, this should also be provided and made clear that this is a provisional rating.

Home information available in both hard and soft copy - KBCN1654

Home information does not need to be provided in hard copy to every home. Where appropriate, it is acceptable to provide only a soft copy to the occupant along with information detailing how to request a hard copy (or other suitable format). In such cases, the approach should be justified and a copy of the communication home occupants must be provided as evidence.  
Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.