In-Use / BIU International Residential V6 / Part 1 / 03 - Transport /

TRA 01 - Alternative modes of transport

Information correct as of 15thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Erratum – up to V6.0.0 – compliant cycle storage - KBCN1595

Criteria Instead of answer C, criterion 3 should refer to answers D and E. Evidence The criteria references for this issue are incorrect, and will be corrected in the next re-issue. Checklists and tables The headings in Table 20 do not match these answers. Table 20 will be revised with these updated headings:
Home size Answer D Minimum cycle storage 2 credits Answer E Additional cycle storage +1 additional credit
Studio or 1 bedroom 1 cycle space / 2 homes 1 cycle space / home
2 - 3 bedrooms 1 cycle space / home 2 cycle spaces / home
4+ bedrooms 2 cycle spaces / home 4 cycle spaces / home

Erratum – Electric Vehicles (EV) charging stations criteria - KBCN1701

In the BREEAM In-Use International Technical Manual, the  Electric Vehicles (EV) charging criteria and their evidence were incorrectly referenced. The requirements for EV charging stations should read as follows Answer G Electric Vehicles (EV) charging stations are provided for ≥5% of the car parking capacity. Methodology The methodology indicates the number of charging stations required should be calculated as a percentage of the total car parking capacity.  The ≥5%  in Answer G indicates that at least 5% of the total parking spaces in the residential development should be equipped with EV charging stations. If the number of charging facilities that should be supplied is not a whole number, it must be rounded up to the nearest whole number. For example, where the number of charging facilities that should be provided is calculated to be 10.2, the actual number of facilities that must be provided is 11. Charging stations for Car Clubs cannot count towards the percentage provided for residents. Evidence The manual incorrectly referred to criterion 7 for the EV charging stations in the evidence section. The evidence requirement should refer to Criterion 5 and should be read as follows:


Evidence requirement


Calculations showing the percentage and number of charging stations


Site plan showing the location and number of electric vehicle charging stations

ModeScore Sustainable Transport certification - KBCN1705

Achieving ModeScore Gold or Platinum certification can be submitted as part of the supporting documentation to award credits for implementing sustainable transport options, provided the BREEAM criteria were targeted, as follows:
Scheme Issues Credits
BREEAM International NC 2016 and V6 Tra 03a Alternative modes of transport 2 + Exemplary credit
Tra 03b Alternative modes of transport 2 + Exemplary credit
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity 1
BREEAM UK NC 2018 and V6 * Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures 10
BREEAM Int RFO 2015 Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions 5
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity 2
BREEAM UK RFO 2014 Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions 3
Tra 03 Cyclist facilities 2
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity 2
BREEAM In-Use Commercial and Residential (International and USA) Tra 01 Alternative modes of transport 8
Tra 02 Proximity to public transport 3
Tra 04 Pedestrian and cyclist safety 2
* BREEAM UK NC 2018 and V6 credits can be awarded provided the transportation assessment and travel plan (criterion 1) are met When the assessor submits a ModeScore certification as evidence, they should include their report and highlight the BREEAM criteria or credits that were targeted.
About ModeScore Sustainable Transport certification:
ModeScore assess and certify sustainable transport facilities and services in buildings. ModeScore encompasses ActiveScore within its assessment criteria, covering four pillars of sustainable transportation while incorporating accessibility into each: ModeScore evaluates the connectivity potential of any building in any location, offering four levels of certification with a total scorecard of 120 points. ActiveScore (Travel Facilities) counts for 10 points: See more information and details at
Information correct as of 15thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.