In-Use / BIU International Commercial V6 / Part 1 / 03 - Transport /
TRA 01 - Alternative modes of transport
Information correct as of 8thFebruary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.
Car sharing group - KBCN1510
The term, ‘car sharing group’, as a sustainable transport measure, may be interpreted differently. For the purposes of the BREEAM Standards, therefore, the following additional guidance should be applied, to support assessors’ understanding of the criteria, when determining compliance.
The aim of this measure is that the asset’s management establishes, promotes and administers a process which encourages building users to share private car journeys to and from work, thus reducing the number of cars used for this purpose.
A car sharing group will, generally:
- Be available to all building users who normally travel to work by private car
A car sharing group is not:
- A vehicle hire/loan scheme
- Intended to offset journeys which would otherwise have been made by public transport or active travel modes (e.g. walking or cycling)
The criteria do not prescribe what terms and conditions should be implemented and, whilst the above principles should generally be followed, specific arrangements may vary.
However, evidence and justification must always be provided to demonstrate that the above ‘Aim’ is met.
Cycle facilities – Separate showers within shared gender-specific (single gender) facilities - KBCN1601
Cultural norms and expectations in relation to privacy may vary. The guidance on providing separate showers in the above situation is, therefore, clarified as follows:
Where showers are not divided into individual cubicles, or are only partially separated, this does not preclude compliance. However, the assessor must be satisfied and provide justification that the arrangements are in line with local custom and appropriate to the building type and the demographic of building users.
Cycle spaces – Minimum and maximum requirements - KBCN0637
These remain applicable where the 50% reduction allowed for building locations with a high level of public transport accessibility is in effect.
This means that, for instance, a large retail will still need to provide at least ten customer cycle storage spaces and could meet compliance with a maximum of fifty.
22-Nov-2023 Scheme applicability updated.
18-May-2017 Previous KBCN on large retail adapted to include any minimum requirement for cycle storage spaces.
Cycle storage – 50% reduction applies to all users - KBCN1631
Where a 50% of reduction in required cycle storage spaces is allowed for any reason (for instance, for meeting a threshold for good public transport accessibility), this applies to
all asset users. This includes staff, and any applicable users such as customers, visitors or residents.
However, any minimum or maximum requirements remain the same. See
This principle aligns with BREEAM New Construction and Refurbishment and Fit-Out.
Cycle storage – Multi-residential long-term stay - KBCN1592
For the purposes of calculating the cycle storage requirements, residents should be considered as 'staff'.
Cyclists’ facilities – Combining different facilities - KBCN0683
Cyclists' facilities can be combined, provided that all relevant compliance requirements are met and it is demonstrated that there is no conflict impacting on their use. For example, compliant showers can be combined with compliant lockers in one room, subject to the principle below.
For combined facilities to count as multiple facilities, they must be capable of being used independently of each other at the same time (where relevant) with reference to any space requirements, access, gender and privacy issues.
11 Jan 2023 - Applicability to BIU V6C confirmed
10 Feb 2022 - Updated to clarify that facilities can be combined where there is no conflict.
Cyclists’ facilities – Matching additional cycle spaces - KBCN00093
The minimum number of showers/lockers/changing facilities required for BREEAM compliance is determined by the minimum number of compliant bicycle spaces required, not by how many total compliant bicycle spaces have been provided. Where more than the minimum number of compliant cycle spaces has been provided, there is no requirement to provide more than the minimum number of showers/lockers/changing facilities.
01 Feb 2022 - Wording clarified and applicability to BIU V6C confirmed
Cyclists’ facilities – Multi-residential / residential institutions - KBCN0967
Where there is a BREEAM requirement for residents, compliant facilities within their accommodation can be considered as cyclists' facilities. Separate facilities for staff must be provided as required to achieve compliance.
22 Aug 2023 Applicability to BIU V6 Commercial confirmed.
Cyclists’ facilities – Within toilet facilities - KBCN00050
To comply with the criteria for cyclist facilities, showers should not obstruct the use of other facilities. Where a shower is located in a room with a WC, this cannot be considered compliant, unless it can be unequivocally demonstrated that the WC is provided over-and-above the requirements of relevant standards or regulations for general and disabled WCs.
To ensure that there is no conflict between the use of general or disabled WCs and the use of cyclist facilities.
25.10.18 KBCN reworded to improve clarity.
Electric vehicle charging stations – Availability - KBCN1128
This option requires the number of electric vehicle recharging stations (EVCS) to be based on a percentage of the total car parking for the building.
To meet compliance, the intent is that recharging stations be available to all building users, including customers and visitors. However, where overall parking numbers are low, it may be difficult to effectively distribute the EV charging spaces between general users and priority groups.
In such cases, the design team must provide evidence that this aspect has been considered when locating the EV spaces, however, the decision on how to distribute these may be made by the client or, for speculative development, by an appropriate member of the design team.
In situations where parking is limited to priority spaces only, the above guidance still applies.
11 Jan 2023 - Applicability to BIU V6C confirmed
17 Sep 2022 - Updated to allow more flexibility in relation to how EV spaces are allocated
ModeScore Sustainable Transport certification - KBCN1705
ModeScore Gold or Platinum certification can be submitted as part of the supporting documentation
to award credits for implementing sustainable transport options,
provided the BREEAM criteria were targeted, as follows:
Scheme |
Issues |
Credits |
BREEAM International NC 2016 and V6 |
Tra 03a Alternative modes of transport |
2 + Exemplary credit |
Tra 03b Alternative modes of transport |
2 + Exemplary credit |
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity |
1 |
BREEAM UK NC 2018 and V6 * |
Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures |
10 |
BREEAM Int RFO 2015 |
Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions |
5 |
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity |
2 |
Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions |
3 |
Tra 03 Cyclist facilities |
2 |
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity |
2 |
BREEAM In-Use Commercial and Residential (International and USA) |
Tra 01 Alternative modes of transport |
8 |
Tra 02 Proximity to public transport |
3 |
Tra 04 Pedestrian and cyclist safety |
2 |
* BREEAM UK NC 2018 and V6 credits can be awarded provided the transportation assessment and travel plan (criterion 1) are met
When the assessor submits a ModeScore certification as evidence, they should include their report and highlight the BREEAM criteria or credits that were targeted.
About ModeScore Sustainable Transport certification:
ModeScore assess and certify sustainable transport facilities and services in buildings. ModeScore encompasses ActiveScore within its assessment criteria, covering four pillars of sustainable transportation while incorporating accessibility into each:
- Public Transportation
- Environmentally-Friendly Private Vehicles
- Active Transportation
- Site-Wide Mobility
ModeScore evaluates the connectivity potential of any building in any location, offering four levels of certification with a total scorecard of 120 points. ActiveScore (Travel Facilities) counts for 10 points:
- Certified (0-39%)
- Silver (40-59%)
- Gold (60-79%)
- Platinum (80-100%)
See more information and details at
Information correct as of 8thFebruary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.