New Construction / UK / 2011 / 01-Management /

Man 04 - Stakeholder Participation

Information correct as of 24thApril 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Inclusive and accessible design – TAN 12 in Wales - KBCN0324

For buildings in Wales, ‘TAN 12: Design' can be used to support the design of the building so that it is inclusive and accessible. However, the document 'Design & Access Statements in Wales - Why, what and how' (referenced within TAN 12) will need to be used in addition to TAN 12 in place of the CABE publication as this gives specific guidance for writing the access statement itself.    

Independent party - KBCN00058

The client/design team carrying out the consultation/post-occupancy evaluation can demonstrate compliance with the requirement for an independent third party in two ways: 1) An independent third party, not involved in the design or development of the building, has conducted the necessary consultation exercise using a compliant method. 2) If the evaluation is carried out by an organisation involved in the design of the building, evidence demonstrating the party's independence of the design process must be provided. The design team or relevant individual must demonstrate a credible level of independence to meet the requirement.  

Post Occupancy Evaluation – Bespoke - KBCN0678

It is acceptable to use a bespoke POE providing that the assessor is satisfied that the methodology covers all relevant aspects of a compliant POE. The assessor should therefore refer to the further guidance on POE provided in the BREEAM technical manual for information on what a compliant POE methodology should contain, as copied below:

Stakeholder consultation – Definition of “independent third party” - KBCN0428

The definition of independent third party should be taken to mean that the party i.e. the individual(s) rather than the organisation undertaking the consultation is independent of the design process. BREEAM is not prescriptive about how to evidence this.  It is the assessor's responsibility to collect robust evidence which proves this to be the case.

Stakeholder consultation – Existing shared facilities - KBCN0360

The consultation must include any existing shared facilities relied on to achieve compliance as well as the new facilities. To ensure the shared existing facilities are appropriate and in line with the users' requirements.  
Information correct as of 24thApril 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.