New Construction / UK / 2011 / 03 - Energy /
Ene 01 - Reduction of Emissions
Information correct as of 18thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.
2011 assessment registered under 2013 Building Regs - KBCN0538
If a project is registered to BREEAM New Construction 2011, however, building control have registered the building to Part L2A 2013 (England) / Part L2A 2014 (Wales) / Technical Booklet F2 2012 (Northern Ireland). Ene 01 should be assessed as follows:
ENE 01 should be assessed using a BRUKL output based on the Part L2A 2010 regulations for England and Wales. This is because the benchmarks within the scheme were developed against the 2010 notional building and therefore to maintain consistency and comparability for all the projects registered to this scheme, the credits awarded should be compared with a building modelled against the 2010 Part L regulations.
In order to achieve credits for the Ene 01 issue, the energy model should be run so that it displays results against the 2010 building regulations and this _brukl.inp file should be uploaded into the compliance checker for confirmation of the Ene 01 outputs for BREEAM NC 2011.
As the building is registered to regulations Part L2A 2013 (England) /Part L2A 2014 (Wales) /Technical Booklet F2 2012 (Northern Ireland) /Technical Handbook 2010 Non Domestic, Section 6 Energy (Scotland), the software will also need to be run to display results for these regulations for Building Control.
An alternative option would be to re-register the project using BREEAM NC 2018 and use the results of the updated regulations for your country to demonstrate compliance with Ene 01. Please note, for BREEAM NC 2018 assessments, the compliance checker website does not need to be used.
Calculating EPR where multiple EPCs are required - KBCN0216
Where more than one BRUKL/EPC is produced for a development, which is registered as a single assessment, an area-weighted average should be used to calculate the number of credits to be awarded. This does not apply where the 'similar buildings' approach is used.
The BRUKL.inp. files should be entered into the S&R tool (or for UK NC2011, uploaded to the Compliance Checker) and the three EPRs produced by the compliance checker, which must then be area-weighted to produce an average EPR for each metric. When applying this method, please include your area-weighting calculations and outputs as supporting evidence.
06/07/2023 - Applicability to UK RFO 2014 removed, as this methodology does not apply. For RFO 2014, a single, whole building EPC must be generated.
31/10/2018 wording clarified to apply to all relevant schemes.
Compliance Checker - KBCN00023
The UK NC 2014 Compliance Checker is publicly available via the BREEAM Projects website. However, the use of this compliance checker for UK NC 2014 is not required in order to assess the issue and award credits. The figures required for the Scoring and Reporting tool can be taken directly from the BRUKL output.
The function of the UK NC 2011 compliance checker was to apply translators to the energy consumption metric to allow this to be assessed in terms of primary energy. The purpose of the UK NC 2014 Compliance Checker will be to allow BREEAM assessors and other members of the design team such as energy specialists, to review the performance of servicing strategies against BREEAM targets without using the BREEAM Scoring and Reporting Tool.
The compliance checkers for BREEAM UK NC2011 and UK NC2014 can be found on BREEAM Projects by following this link;
NC2011/2014 Compliance Checker
02 08 2022 - Link updated
26 04 2019 - Link to compliance checkers added and applied to UK NC2011
Definition of Accredited Energy Assessor - KBCN0706
BREEAM recognise that CIBSE Low Carbon Design and Simulation consultants are qualified to confirm compliance with Part L Building Regulations and are therefore qualified to produce BRUKL reports demonstrating compliance with Ene 01.
Technical manual to be updated accordingly in next re-issue.
Ene 01 Baseline- BREEAM UK NC 2014 Vs 2011 - KBCN0489
The methodology for assessing energy within Ene 01 is unchanged, however the means of defining the baseline for assessing the performance of a new building in each UK territory has changed. In the 2011 version the England and Wales building regulation for energy (Part L 2010) was used to calibrate the Ene 01 translators in the UK scheme, and therefore all buildings assessed in the UK used the same baseline, regardless of location. In the BREEAM UK NC 2014 version, the energy related building regulation local to each UK territory is used to set respective baselines for the Ene 01 issue. BREEAM Guidance Note 12 provides a more in-depth explanation of the Ene 01 methodology.
Energy consumption and carbon emissions of untreated spaces - KBCN00049
Where the assessment contains a mix of treated and untreated spaces, untreated spaces can be excluded and the performance based on the treated spaces only. Where the entire assessment is untreated, the whole of the structure(s) must be assessed on the basis that this issue is critical for certification.
BREEAM is primarily designed to assess permanent, treated and occupied structures. Untreated structures are unlikely to gain many credits when being assessed.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
Energy modelling not required for Building Regulations compliance - KBCN0487
For the purposes of demonstrating BREEAM compliance, it is still necessary to undertake energy modelling to generate the required performance data.
24/08/2022 Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
Energy performance assessment for part of a whole building - KBCN0596
If the assessment is only covering part of a whole building, the energy performance assessment must be representative of the part of the building being assessed. Simply taking the energy performance assessment of the whole building would not therefore comply, especially if the non-assessed parts of the building were of a different use. A separate energy assessment of the part of the building is likely to be required.
The energy performance assessment must be representative of the parts of the building being assessed.
This also applies to the predicted energy performance and all energy modelling for the prediction of operation energy consumption.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
Amended 01/09/2020 to cover UKNC2018 - Prediction of operational energy consumption
GN02 BREEAM 2011 Ene 01 - KBCN0614
This guidance note is withdrawn.
GN04 BREEAM 2011 Ene 01 Calculation Methodology Review - KBCN0616
This guidance details the analysis of and subsequent changes made by BRE Global Ltd to the BREEAM New Construction 2011 version of the Ene 01 assessment issue methodology and benchmarks.
View full Guidance Note (licensed assessors only)
View all Guidance Notes (licensed assessors only)
LZC technologies – energy centre or other LZCs connected at a later stage - KBCN0267
If a project specifies LZCs that have been proposed in the feasibility report which reduce emissions, and/or will be connected to a site-wide energy centre operational at a later stage of the phased development, after the Post Construction Stage review has been submitted, the Energy and Pollution issues can be assessed as follows:
In a phased development where the primary heating system will be upgraded at a later stage than the building being assessed, a commitment to install the new heating source must be made in the General Contract Specification (as per the BREEAM requirements). BREEAM does not specify a particular time for phasing as it is difficult to set parameters, however as a rule building users should have to wait the least time possible before they can use the upgraded heating source.
For the quality audit, two Energy model outputs/EPCs must be produced at the final stage - one with the actual interim system installed for building control, and one for the BREEAM assessment which can include the predicted energy from the proposed energy centre. Additionally, the legally binding general contract specification for the new heating source must be submitted with details of the timescales proposed for the completion of the second phase of work. Where this approach is to be followed BREEAM must be consulted in each case to ensure that the arrangements are sufficiently robust to award the credits.
BREEAM seeks to recognise the environmental impacts of a building's energy use throughout its life, therefore temporary arrangements can be accommodated, provided there is robust evidence on future connection to the permanent systems.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
Statutory requirements for energy modelling differ from BREEAM - KBCN0127
For the purposes of BREEAM, Issue Ene 01 should be assessed using a BRUKL output based on the prevalent UK country Building regulations applicable to that scheme.
This applies even when the building does not need to undertake energy modelling to comply with Building Regulations.
Where a different analysis is required for statutory compliance, due to the location of the project or registration to an earlier or later version of Part L, a different output must be produced for this purpose.
Alternatively, where applicable, the BREEAM registration could be updated to the latest version, so the same energy model output can be used for both purposes.
To maintain consistency and comparability for all assessments registered to a scheme.
24/08/2022 Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
Unlodged or ‘draft’ EPC - KBCN0262
Where a building is being assessed against Part L 2006, an unlodged or 'draft' EPC can be submitted as evidence, where it is only possible to lodge against the current Part L of the Building Regulations. In particular for Design Stage Evidence, draft EPCs are acceptable as a forecast of the buildings thermal performance. In such circumstances, these will also be accepted as evidence for the BREEAM Post Construction Review provided they are accompanied by additional evidence demonstrating that they accurately reflect the 'as-built' scheme. This could be in the form of a written statement from the Energy Assessor or by providing a copy of the lodged EPC for the scheme which shows identical input figures.
This only applies to BREEAM 2011 pre-June 2012 update.
Use of as-designed BRUKL output for post-construction submission - KBCN0889
Where it is not possible to produce an as-built BRUKL output for the post-construction assessment, it is acceptable to produce an updated as-designed BRUKL output that accurately reflects the constructed building as evidence for the post-construction submission.
A justification should be issued to QA clarifying why an as-designed BRUKL was submitted, along with confirmation from the relevant specialist that the model is an accurate representation of the final, as-built specification of the building.
24/08/2022 Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
[KBCN withdrawn] ~ Exemplary credit – software output figures - KBCN0265
This KBCN has been withdrawn and is no longer valid.
KBCN withdrawn on 21/07/2021:
In order to demonstrate that up to four exemplary level credits can be awarded for Ene 01, the primary energy generated by the carbon neutral technologies will need to be calculated by applying the relevant primary energy factor.
These figures are taken from the approved building energy calculation software output.
For guidance on completing this calculation and to obtain primary energy factors please contact BRE Global.
Please note that this is applicable only to BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 and 2011 Issue 3.0, and more recent issues.
Information correct as of 18thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.