New Construction / International / 2013 / 01 - Management /

Man 02 - Responsible Construction Practices

Information correct as of 22ndDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Certificate validity – EMS - KBCN1401

The requirement for the principal contractor to operate an EMS relates to the duration of operations on site. Certification against ISO 14001/EMAS must be valid at the Design Stage and Post Construction Stage submissions and cannot be expired, pending or applied retrospectively.
07/05/2021: Clarification on Design and Post Construction Stage added

Change in main contractor - KBCN0645

In situations where the main contractor changes mid-project, for example where the original contractor goes into administration and is replaced by another main contractor, it is acceptable for the post-construction credits to be awarded based on the new contractor providing information on their activities. This is providing the project is yet to start on site. This is in effect assessing the issue using the Post Construction Assessment route instead of a Post Construction Review. However, if the project has already started on site and information about the site activities of the previous contractor is not available it would not be appropriate to award the credit solely based on the new contractor activities.

Checklist A1 – not applicable items - KBCN0770

If you can clearly justify and robustly demonstrate that an item in Checklist A1 is not applicable on the assessed project, for the purposes of the BREEAM scoring, this item can be considered compliant.

Considerate construction – corporate registration - KBCN0905

Where credits are awarded for the assessment of the site against a compliant scheme, corporate registration, which assesses the contractor's overall operations and performance across multiple sites, is not in itself recognised. To award considerate construction credits, BREEAM requires the assessment of the specific assessed development, in line with the criteria.

Considerate constructors exemplary criteria - KBCN0843

Where the exemplary criterion has been met, the exemplary credit will be awarded in addition to the two standard credits for considerate construction. There is no need for the assessor to demonstrate compliance with the standard credits in this case, just the exemplary one.  

Considerate Constructors Scheme – International projects - KBCN1451

Where the Considerate Constructors Scheme is available outside the UK, this can can be considered as a 'BREEAM compliant' scheme for the purposes of this Issue.

Responsible construction practices – Multiple contractors on the same project - KBCN0352

It is the site that must comply with BREEAM issues rather than any individual contractor. Several different contractors may have obligations to meet compliance criteria. One of the contractors and/or site managers may have responsibility for ensuring compliance during site operations. It is ultimately the client/project team's responsibility to determine and demonstrate compliance.
Information correct as of 22ndDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.