New Construction / International / 2013 / 03 - Energy /

Ene 01 - Energy Efficiency

Information correct as of 27thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Achieving full credits - KBCN0275

To achieve 15 credits for Ene 01, a building must show that it has 'zero net carbon emissions' as defined in the manual. For countries where CO2 is not assessed by local regulations, this cannot be evidenced, and therefore the maximum score is 14 credits. In order to achieve more than 14 credits, the building must be modelled using approved software which can output the CO2 metric and demonstrate zero net, or negative carbon emissions.  

Calculating EPR where there are multiple BRUKL/NCM outputs - KBCN1083

Where more than one NCM output is produced for a development, which is registered as a single assessment, an area-weighted average should be used to calculate the number of credits to be awarded. This does not apply where the ‘similar buildings’ approach is used. For for projects in England assessed under UKNC V6.0, please see KBCN1618 Projects assessed under UKNC V6.1 can upload multiple BRUKL.inp files for a single assessment and the platform will perform the calculation. See KBCN1618 Each energy performance output from the NCM output (actual CO2/m2 notional CO2/m2 etc.) must be area-weighted to produce area-weighted average values entered into the scoring and reporting tool. When applying this method, please include your area-weighting calculations and outputs as supporting evidence. The following provides an example of an area-weighting calculation for two building areas A and B, each of 500m2, for which separate NCM outputs are available:   For building area A: Notional building heating and cooling energy demand: 230 mJ/m² Actual building heating and cooling energy demand: 200 mJ/m² Notional building primary energy consumption: 300 kWh/m² Actual building primary energy consumption: 280 kWh/m² TER: 40 kg CO₂-eq/m² BER: 30 kg CO₂-eq/m²   For building area B: Notional building heating and cooling energy demand: 150 mJ/m² Actual building heating and cooling energy demand: 140 mJ/m² Notional building primary energy consumption: 200 kWh/m² Actual building primary energy consumption: 190 kWh/m² TER: 40 kg CO₂-eq/m² BER: 38 kg CO₂-eq/m²   Area-weighted values for building areas A and B (of total floor area 1000m2): Notional building heating and cooling energy demand: 230*500/1000 + 150*500/1000 = 190 mJ/m² Actual building heating and cooling energy demand: 200*500/1000 + 140*500/1000 = 170 mJ/m² Notional building primary energy consumption: 300*500/1000 + 200*500/1000 = 250 kWh/m² Actual building primary energy consumption: 280*500/1000 + 190*500/1000 = 235 kWh/m² TER: 40*500/1000 + 40*500/1000 = 40 kg CO₂-eq/m² BER: 30*500/1000 + 38*500/1000 = 34 kg CO₂-eq/m²   These area-weighted values are then used to calculate the overall EPRNC value.  
20 Sep 2023 - Minor corrections, applicability to INC V6 confirmed and cross-reference to UKNC V6 guidance added.
14 Jun 2023 - Note added to confirm this is integrated into the platform for UKNC V6.1 in all countries. 
24 Aug 2022 - Note added to confirm this is N/A to UKNC V6 for projects in England
07 Feb 2022 - Reference to 'BRUKL' amended to 'NCM output' to clarify for non-UK assessments
31 Oct 2018 KBCN clarified. Reference to EPRs and calculation example added

Ene 01 software submission - KBCN0434

In countries with an existing National Calculation Methodology (NCM), the tool(s) approved for use under the NCM can be used as approved building energy calculation software without our prior approval, provided that the software conforms the following modelling requirements as set out in Directive 2002/91/EC on the energy performance of buildings (16 December 2002): (a) thermal characteristics of the building (shell and internal partitions, etc.) which may also include air-tightness; (b) heating installation and hot water supply, including their insulation characteristics; (c) air-conditioning installation; (d) ventilation; (e) built-in lighting installation; (f) position and orientation of buildings, including outdoor climate; (g) passive solar systems and solar protection; (h) natural ventilation; (i) indoor climatic conditions, including the designed indoor climate. Where the design team wishes to use an alternative modelling software package, the assessor should first check the Approved Standards and Weightings List to see if the software is listed there. If the software cannot be found in the ASWL, please download and fill out the Ene 01 Approval for Energy Software form from the BREEAM Extranet, and submit this to the BREEAM technical team via [email protected], along with the appropriate evidence.
25/09/2017 Clarified to include requirements of Directive 2002/91/EC

Energy consumption and carbon emissions of untreated spaces - KBCN00049

Where the assessment contains a mix of treated and untreated spaces, untreated spaces can be excluded and the performance based on the treated spaces only. Where the entire assessment is untreated, the whole of the structure(s) must be assessed on the basis that this issue is critical for certification. BREEAM is primarily designed to assess permanent, treated and occupied structures. Untreated structures are unlikely to gain many credits when being assessed.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Energy performance assessment for part of a whole building - KBCN0596

If the assessment is only covering part of a whole building, the energy performance assessment must be representative of the part of the building being assessed. Simply taking the energy performance assessment of the whole building would not therefore comply, especially if the non-assessed parts of the building were of a different use. A separate energy assessment of the part of the building is likely to be required. The energy performance assessment must be representative of the parts of the building being assessed. This also applies to the predicted energy performance and all energy modelling for the prediction of operation energy consumption. 
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
Amended 01/09/2020 to cover UKNC2018 - Prediction of operational energy consumption

International suitably qualified professionals - KBCN1266

In some issues the International NC and RFO schemes prescribe specific requirements for suitably qualified professionals. We appreciate that some countries might have different recognition schemes in place, and these might differ from the BREEAM requirements. Where this is the case, assessors should submit a technical query with appropriate information, and we will review and approve each situation on a country basis.

Internationally approved Ene 01 calculation software - KBCN1177

The following calculation software are approved internationally and can be used, provided local weather files are available in the country of the assessment. Please make sure the approved version, in brackets, is used. If you wish to use a different one, please submit a technical query to [email protected] providing details of the changes. Any software that has been approved on the ASWL for a particular country can be used in other countries, provided relevant weather files are available.
26-Mar-2024 - Scheme applicability updated.
08-Aug-2022 - Applicability to BREEAM Communities 2012 confirmed.
30-Jun-2023 - Added note relating to software approved for a particular country.

NCM does not cover a building type - KBCN0686

If the NCM does not cover a building type or the Shell Only / Shell and Core project types, assessment using "Option 1 – Use of approved building energy calculation software" can still be used according to the guidance given in the technical manual. The generation of the notional building can be done by using the Appendix G Performance Rating Method of ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1-2013 (for all buildings except low rise residential buildings) or ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.2-2007 (for low rise residential buildings). Any imperial units used in the standards are to be converted to metric first before they are used in any calculations. Prior to taking this approach the assessor should be satisfied that the NCM does not cover the assessed building type, and relevant evidence should be submitted to demonstrate this. For International 2013 assessments where ASHRAE Appendix G is used, regardless of the robustness of local regulations the correct Ene 01 translator curve used is "2. Good International Practice."

Parts of the building not subject to national thermal regulations - KBCN0534

Where you have parts of the assessed building which are not subject to national thermal regulations then these should be omitted from the EPR calculation.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Information correct as of 27thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.