New Construction / International / 2016 / 04 - Transport /

Tra 03b - Alternative Modes of Transport (residential)

Information correct as of 25thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Cycle spaces – Compliant types of storage - KBCN0257

Due to the number of different types of cycle storage facility available and the variation in site conditions, BREEAM New Construction is less prescriptive about the dimensions and type of cycle parking which can be used to demonstrate compliance. The Assessor is expected to exercise their professional judgement to determine whether the cycle parking spaces meet the aims of the Issue and the requirements listed in the compliance notes. BREEAM is used to certify buildings, not products. Cycle parking systems cannot, therefore, be considered inherently 'BREEAM compliant'. These must be assessed in context with reference to their location and the intended user profile.  
29/01/2024-made applicable to HQM

Cycle spaces – Folding bicycles and scooters - KBCN00024

The provision of cycle storage that is only suitable for folding bicycles or scooters is not compliant. Providing reduced storage space for folding bicycles or scooters in place of compliant cycle storage may limit future travel options.
14 03 2018 Wording clarified and reference to scooters included.

Cycle spaces – Timing of installation in phased projects - KBCN00015

Where cycle storage cannot be installed at construction stage, due to phasing and / or pending demolition works, compliance may still be demonstrated provided: - Clarification and justification is given for why the storage is not currently available. - A written contractual agreement is in place to provide BREEAM compliant storage within a clear timescale. - Alternative storage is provided in the meantime that allow bikes to be easily stored and removed, with the ability to be locked securely against a fixed structure. The methodology above applies to cycle storage only, and cannot be applied to provision of cyclist facilities (such as showers and lockers) which must be assessed as normal. This is to allow flexibility within the project programme for the installation of the final, permanent BREEAM-compliant cycle storage whilst still ensuring adequate cycle storage is available during the construction phase.

Cycle spaces and facilities – Rounding calculations - KBCN0445

The calculation for the required cycle spaces and facilities must always be rounded up. If the calculation works out as 5.3 cycle spaces, 6 cycle spaces must be provided. To determine the requirements for developments with multiple types of building user, calculate the requirement for each user group separately (rounding up to the determine the number of spaces) and then add the number of cycle spaces for each user group together.
04/10/2018 Wording amended to clarify the correct calculation method for developments with multiple user groups.

Electric vehicle (re)charging stations/points/spaces - KBCN0934

For BREEAM purposes, a vehicle charging station/space includes a facility that is dedicated to charging vehicles.  Provision of a mains-powered electrical socket will not be deemed compliant.
13 October 2023 - Title and wording updated to align with terminology used elsewhere in our guidance.

Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces (EVCS) – Limited parking - KBCN1403

The criteria for Option 3 are based on the number and size of dwellings. It has been recognised, however, that for many developments, where the number of car parking spaces provided is limited, this may not be appropriate. The criteria for this option will be fully reviewed for the forthcoming scheme update, however in the meantime, the following clarifications can be applied. In order to ensure that provision is available to occupants according to nature of the development and the type of parking arrangement, the requirements are set out as below. For communal parking, accounting for the expected increase in uptake of PEVs (Plug-In Electric Vehicle), whilst mindful of the useful service life of EV charging equipment, the number of fully-functional EVCS required for compliance has been reduced. Individual dwellings with private parking spaces within the curtilage of the property The current criteria apply, as per Table 32 (NC2013) and Table 35 (NC2016). In instances where it can be demonstrated that the total number of parking spaces for the dwelling is less than the number of EVCS required by the criteria, two credits can be awarded where all parking spaces provided are fully functional EVCS. Developments with communal parking areas 1 Credit – Compliance can be demonstrated by installing all the necessary infrastructure to all car parking spaces, (including visitor spaces, where provided), of which at least 25% are fully functional. 2 Credits - Compliance can be demonstrated by installing all the necessary infrastructure to all car parking spaces (including visitor spaces, where provided), of which at least 50% are fully functional EVCS. Where on-site parking provision includes special user-groups, such as disabled, car share, car pool or visitors only, compliance can be met where the required percentage of EVCS is provided for those users on a pro-rata basis, with a minimum of one EVCS, per user-group provided for on site. Where on-site parking provision is limited to such special user-groups only, compliance can be met where the required percentage of EVCS is provided for those users (up to a maximum of providing EVCS for all spaces), with a minimum of one EVCS, per user-group provided for on site. Partially-fitted assessments 2 Credits - Compliance can be demonstrated by installing all the necessary infrastructure to all car parking spaces, (including visitor spaces, where provided). This clarifies the guidance previously provided in KBCN1247. Note In all cases, the above clarifications do not seek to impose more onerous requirements than those specified in the technical guidance.

Electric vehicle charging stations - KBCN0684

As per the 'Alternative transport measures' criteria, the percentage requirement for electric charging stations should be based on the total car parking capacity for the building. Where the assessment covers only part of a building or development this must be based on the total car parking capacity unless the parking for the assessed development is clearly segregated and available only for the use of its building users.
23 03 17 Reference to car sharing spaces removed. See also KBCN0282

Electric vehicle charging stations – Requirement to demonstrate that electric vehicles have lower CO2 emissions - KBCN1622

This requirement is now considered obsolete and it is no longer a requirement where compliant electric vehicle charging points are installed.

Electric vehicle charging stations – shell & core assessments - KBCN1247

For BREEAM NC shell only/shell & core, RFO Parts 1 and 2 only and partially-fitted residential assessments, compliance can be demonstrated by installing all the necessary infrastructure, (i.e. capacity in the connection to the local electricity distribution network and distribution board, as well as sub-surface ductwork to receive cabling to parking spaces), to enable the simple installation and activation of charging points at a future date.
18/10/2021 Applicability to BREEAM Scheme and Assessment Type clarified, in line with the intent.
15/11/2019 Incorrect reference to pre-installation of 'cabling' removed.

Exemplary level criteria – option 5 - KBCN0529

In order to use option 5 to achieve the Exemplary level credit, two credits must be achieved in this option.

ModeScore Sustainable Transport certification - KBCN1705

Achieving ModeScore Gold or Platinum certification can be submitted as part of the supporting documentation to award credits for implementing sustainable transport options, provided the BREEAM criteria were targeted, as follows:
Scheme Issues Credits
BREEAM International NC 2016 and V6 Tra 03a Alternative modes of transport 2 + Exemplary credit
Tra 03b Alternative modes of transport 2 + Exemplary credit
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity 1
BREEAM UK NC 2018 and V6 * Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures 10
BREEAM Int RFO 2015 Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions 5
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity 2
BREEAM UK RFO 2014 Tra 01 Sustainable transport solutions 3
Tra 03 Cyclist facilities 2
Tra 04 Maximum car parking capacity 2
BREEAM In-Use Commercial and Residential (International and USA) Tra 01 Alternative modes of transport 8
Tra 02 Proximity to public transport 3
Tra 04 Pedestrian and cyclist safety 2
* BREEAM UK NC 2018 and V6 credits can be awarded provided the transportation assessment and travel plan (criterion 1) are met When the assessor submits a ModeScore certification as evidence, they should include their report and highlight the BREEAM criteria or credits that were targeted.
About ModeScore Sustainable Transport certification:
ModeScore assess and certify sustainable transport facilities and services in buildings. ModeScore encompasses ActiveScore within its assessment criteria, covering four pillars of sustainable transportation while incorporating accessibility into each: ModeScore evaluates the connectivity potential of any building in any location, offering four levels of certification with a total scorecard of 120 points. ActiveScore (Travel Facilities) counts for 10 points: See more information and details at

On-demand public bus services - KBCN1404

These can be recognised as follows: This is limited to genuine on-demand bus services, which are operated as public transport with multiple pick-up and drop-off points and does not extend to private hire, taxi or other similar operations. 
Information correct as of 25thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.