4 Operational / QA /

05 Re-submitting to QA

Information correct as of 26thDecember 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.

Addition of credits between submissions - KBCN0506

Where appropriate, additional credits may be added to an assessment between QA audits, provided sufficient justification and supporting evidence is in place. Full supporting evidence, as required in the technical manual, must be sourced and provided for audit when requested. The BREEAM QA team must be informed, via cover letter/email, that additional credits have been awarded. It is highly likely that any additional credits will then be reviewed as part of the QA of the resubmission.

Assessment submission via third party FTP upload - KBCN0524

Assessors wishing to make use of third party FTP (file transfer protocol) upload websites for sending assessments and supporting evidence must be aware of the following requirements: Where submissions are made not meeting the above requirements, the assessor may be asked to resubmit the assessment. Assessors are responsible for the security of their data and documentation, including that submitted to BRE Global via third party FTP websites. BRE Global will not accept liability for any issues occurring (including lost or stolen data) as a result of the use of such websites.
2021 01 05 BREEAM email updated

Changing from Design Stage to Post Construction between QA submissions - KBCN0503

It is acceptable for an assessment type to be changed from interim ('Design Stage') to final ('Post Construction') between submissions for QA, i.e. after feedback has been received by the assessor from the BREEAM QA team and before resubmission. When the assessor wishes to do this, the BREEAM QA Team must be informed in advance of resubmitting the assessment. It must also be stated clearly within the cover email/upload notes alongside the resubmission. Upon resubmission of the assessment, a new audit will be carried out due to the change in stage. Therefore, the assessment will be subject to first submission timescales and additional certification fee (in line with FS036) will be applicable.

Deadline for resubmission following QA - KBCN0510

Assessments which have not achieved certification after the first submission, must be resubmitted within 6 months of the date the QA feedback from BRE Global was issued. Where assessments are resubmitted later than 6 months, the assessment will be subject to full certification fees again. Where an extension to the 6 months is required, the assessor must email [email protected] in order that this can be considered and an extended deadline agreed where exceptional circumstances exist. If the assessment is resubmitted prior to the 6 month date but is not audited until this date has passed and does not pass the QA process, the final submission must be received within 14 days of QA feedback being issued. This does not in any way affect the validity of an assessment’s registrations.
Information correct as of 26thDecember 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.