Communities / 2012 / 05 - Transport and Movement /

TM 05 - Cycling Facilities

Information correct as of 26thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Cycle spaces – Folding bicycles and scooters - KBCN00024

The provision of cycle storage that is only suitable for folding bicycles or scooters is not compliant. Providing reduced storage space for folding bicycles or scooters in place of compliant cycle storage may limit future travel options.
14 03 2018 Wording clarified and reference to scooters included.

Cycle spaces – Prominent location - KBCN00053

The requirement to provide cycle storage facilities in a prominent location on site, within view of building users, is intended to encourage use through advertising their presence to building users. Providing these facilities inside the assessed building, such as in the basement, may be compliant so long as there is prominent signage to indicate their location to all building users.  

Cyclists’ facilities – Visitors - KBCN00014

Where the cycle spaces requirement is based on the number of staff plus visitors, customers or patients, the number of cyclist facilities required to demonstrate compliance is based on the number of cycle spaces for staff only. Visitors, customers or patients would not be expected to have access to showers and lockers within a building.

Number of compliant cycle storage spaces - KBCN1016

According to BREEAM New Construction Guidance, for sites where at least 50% of the available BREEAM credits for Public transport accessibility (Tra 01) have been awarded, the provision of the number of compliant cycle spaces required in Cyclist Facilities issue (Tra 03) can be reduced by 50%. However, this reduction cannot be applied to BREEAM Communities assessments for Cyclist Facilities issue (TM 05). This is firstly to ensure comparability amongst different Communities projects, namely the ones certified prior to the release of the new BREEAM New Construction Manual. Moreover, to allow for the sequential order of BREEAM schemes which is to comply with BREEAM Communities requirements first as they will help achieve BREEAM New Construction criteria. Less cycle spaces can be designed and built at building level assessment, provided that robust evidence can demonstrate the number of cycle storage spaces committed to provide at Masteplanning stage is more than required by individual buildings.

Restricted movement within a secure perimeter - KBCN000009

Where the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles is tightly controlled within a secure perimeter due to security considerations, these areas do not need to strictly meet the safe access criteria. However, justification and evidence provided by an appropriate member of the project team must demonstrate how the layout, measures and secure nature of the site result in a safe environment for cyclists, pedestrians, and vehicle access, in line with intent of each criterion. Where a criterion is not applicable due to the secure nature of the site, this should be noted and justified in the assessment report. Previous guidance - superseded on 24 May 2024* Where the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles is tightly controlled within a secure perimeter due to security considerations, these areas may be excluded from the safe access criteria. Where the whole assessment is within such a zone, the credit may be awarded by default.
24 May 2024 - New guidance introduced to ensure that safe pedestrian, cycle and vehicle movement is considered, even on secure sites with restricted movement.
* As this is a significant change, for any registered assessments where the assessor demonstrates that they have already advised the project team based on the previous guidance, the assessment can continue on that basis. 

08 Jun 2022 Applicability to UK NC2018 confirmed

Timescales for management and maintenance responsibilities - KBCN0370

Where there are requirements for management and maintenance outputs or activities these should, as a minimum, cover a five year period following occupation of the development for the phase of development being assessed. This timeframe applies to the following management and maintenance activities: Management and maintenance activities are often fundamental in ensuring that the original sustainability measure or approach is successful over the long term.
Information correct as of 26thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.