In-Use / BIU USA 2016 /

BIU USA 2016 Part 3

Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Amenities – Assessed building is one of the listed amenities - KBCN0264

Where the assessed building is itself included in the list of amenities, that particular amenity criterion can be deemed to be met, e.g. a supermarket development itself meets the proximity to food outlet required for a Retail type building.

Validity of consumption data - KBCN1304

In order to maintain the reliability of data entered into the BREEAM In-Use Online Platform, any consumption-related data submitted must have a reporting period start date which is no more than one year prior to the start of the assessment (creation of a measurement). For example, if the assessment was started on the 3rd of April 2018, the reporting period start date cannot be prior to 3rd of April 2017. A more recent period can always be entered, as long as the assessor can verify that the data is correct for the period entered.

View out – eye level - KBCN0581

BREEAM defines an adequate view out as being at seated eye level (1.2 – 1.3m) within the relevant building areas. However, where occupants will not have the option to be seated, for example in some industrial operational areas where the work being undertaken requires occupants to remain standing, the height of the view out can be changed accordingly to suit the eye level of occupants. All other view out requirements have to be met and clear justification provided for changing the height/level of the view out. In some relevant building areas, occupants may not be sitting down to undertake tasks. Allowing the view out height requirements to be changed accordingly ensures building occupants gain maximum benefit from the view out.   

View out – relevant areas - KBCN0268

The aim of the View Out criteria is to allow occupants to refocus their eyes from close work. Relevant areas are spaces where close work in a fixed position is carried out for sustained periods of time. The view out criteria are therefore not applicable to occupied areas such as meeting rooms, or other spaces where such close work is not being carried out. Where rooms contain areas of different functions, only relevant areas should be assessed. In this case a notional line can be drawn on the plans and calculations made based on these relevant areas only. However, spaces such circulation routes or other transient spaces within a relevant area can only be excluded if the route or area is clearly defined by the building layout. If this is arbitrary or based solely on a proposed furniture layout, it cannot be excluded. Features of the building layout which may be considered as dictating a function area would include, for example, the position of doors or fixed furniture such as a reception desk or canteen servery.
07-Oct-2022 Additional paragraph added to clarify how function areas must be defined. 
21-Sep-2022 General principle of 'relevant area' added, and applicability of KBCN extended to BIU V6 Commercial.

Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.