In-Use / BIU 2015 / BIU 2015 Part 1 /

08 - Pollution

Information correct as of 15thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Flood risk – Site situated across numerous flood zones - KBCN0532

Where a site is situated across more than one flood zone, the flood zone with the highest probability of flooding, i.e. the worst case scenario, must be considered for the purpose of the BREEAM assessment. An exception to this would be where the areas in the higher probability zone include only soft landscaping and it can be demonstrated that access to the building will be maintained in a flooding event. This is to ensure that the site has adequately managed the worst case scenario level of flood risk associated with the site's location. 
22/07/2022 Applicability to HQM One confirmed
07/03/2018 Updated to include circumstances where an exception may apply.

POL 01 – Assessment criterion 2 - KBCN1071

In order to respond to feedback, additional clarity has been provided in regards to the interpretation of assessment criterion 2.
Aim To reduce the risk of polluting natural watercourses through contaminated surface run-off and/or grease from kitchen facilities entering drainage systems Assessment criterion 2 Where it can be demonstrated that drainage or wash down facilities do not lead water from inside an underground or covered area to natural watercourses, such areas comply with the requirements by default.
BREEAM aims to be outcomes based, rather than prescribing a particular way to demonstrate compliance with the Aim. Therefore, criterion 2 is designed to allow flexibility for alternative systems (to light liquid separators) to demonstrate compliance. These alternative methods must either contain or prevent the pollution from leaving the site. By ensuring that the pollution does not enter the drainage system (i.e. leave the site), the building owner can be confident that the pollution is not entering the natural watercourse further down the drains (where there is the potential for issues outside the scope of the assessment).

Watercourse pollution from indoor parking - KBCN0545

If the design team can demonstrate that there will be absolutely no run-off from the indoor parking then the intent of the credit will be met. However, such proof would also have to demonstrate that no hydrocarbon spillage from vehicles found its way into the watercourse/sewer. It is likely that there would be water ingress from outside or that internal parking areas would have drains fitted and be cleaned regularly. In such conditions, the criteria are still applicable. The intent of this criteria is to ensure no hydrocarbons run off to any watercourse.
Information correct as of 15thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.