In-Use / USA Residential V6 / Part 1 / 02 - Energy /

ENE 09 - Water heating

Information correct as of 27thJuly 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

District heating / cooling / hot water – entering data into the Online Platform - KBCN1536

For assets which use district heating / cooling / hot water, information on the district systems are entered into Ene 09a and 09b. In Ene 05 / 06 / 09, answer 'no' to first question "Is space heating / cooling / hot water generated on-site?" then navigate to: The Online Platform differs from the manual structure, however it does not affect scoring in any way. All data entered contributes to the asset energy calculator. Assets with on-site and off-site systems Only answer questions on the system which provides the most signifcant heating or cooling to the asset. If an asset includes both on-site and off-site systems, choose the one which delivers the most energy annually.
Information correct as of 27thJuly 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.