In-Use / USA Commercial V6 / Part 1 / 01 - Health and wellbeing /

HEA 11 - Provision of rest areas

Information correct as of 21stDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Outdoor space – Parks and other public open spaces - KBCN1588

Public parks may meet the requirements for ‘Outdoor space’ even if smoking and vaping are unrestricted, as the impact on other visitors would be minimal. However, to ensure the above and that the overall aim is met, a compliant park must be over 27,000 sq. ft. in size and be a ‘green space’ - an area of grass, trees, or other vegetation set apart for recreational or aesthetic purposes that is publicly owned and allows free access during the hours of daylight. Other similar areas that meet the above requirements, such as woodland or nature reserves, could also be considered as meeting the aim.

Provision of rest areas – Accessibility - KBCN1700

For an area to be considered compliant:
Information correct as of 21stDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.