In-Use / USA Residential V6 / Part 1 / 05 - Resources /

RSC 02 - Reuse and recycling facilities

Information correct as of 13thFebruary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Enhanced waste collection in the asset - KBCN1528

Where the asset collects 6 or more unique residential waste streams on-site, answers G and H are available without the need for additional off-site collection points. If the asset can provide enhanced waste collection and sorting on-site, then this is effectively the same as having a compliant collection point in the local area. Example scenarios [accordion] [accordion_block title="5 waste streams on-site"] An apartment building has compliant facilities or kerb-side collection for 5 residential waste streams. There is no collection for composting or garden waste. The asset achieves the requirements for answer C only if all relevant criteria are met. There aren't enough waste streams to meet the threshold for answer G. [/accordion_block] [accordion_block title="7 waste streams on-site"] An apartment building has compliant facilities or kerb-side collection for 7 residential waste streams. There is no collection for composting or garden waste. The asset achieves the requirements for answer C, and answer G if all relevant criteria are met. [/accordion_block] [accordion_block title="7 waste streams on-site, with off-site collection point within 0.3 miles"] An apartment building has compliant facilities or kerb-side collection for 7 residential waste streams. There is no collection for composting or garden waste. An off-site collection point within a compliant distance can collect 5 waste streams, however only 2 are unique (different from what the asset already collects on-site). In total there are 9 unique waste streams collected on-site, kerb-side, or within a compliant distance. The asset achieves the requirements for answer C, and answer H if all relevant criteria are met. [/accordion_block] [/accordion]

Waste streams – clarification - KBCN1526

Scope The focus of the criteria is on recyclable materials only. Any facilities / spaces for managing recyclable materials must be in addition to spaces / facilities for managing general waste. Definition “Waste streams are flows of specific waste, from its source through to recovery, recycling or disposal. Waste streams can be divided into two broad types: Source For BREEAM, a waste stream is a material / product with its own recycling process. This means each stream needs to be separated from other materials before it can be effectively processed into new materials / products. This separation can happen in the asset, or (in the case of co-mingled waste) after collection from the asset. Residential waste streams In most cases, this is defined by how it will be how be sorted and collected by municipal waste authorities. Where no local guidance exists, the list below may be used as a guide. Recyclable waste streams (answer option C in BREEAM USA In-Use Residential V6): Compostable / recyclable waste streams (answer option D in BREEAM USA In-Use Residential V6): Commercial waste streams Commercial assets will generate specialised waste streams specific to the asset's function. These are typically: In these cases, waste streams such as metals, plastics and paper / cardboard may be sub-divided into specialised waste streams where they meet the above. Example scenarios [accordion] [accordion_block title="Scope"] A vehicle repair workshop generates the following waste streams: The engine oils and general waste cannot be re-processed into other usable materials. Only 3 recyclable waste streams can be considered for BREEAM assessment. [/accordion_block] [accordion_block title="Residential"] The local authority collects co-mingled waste for the asset. This waste mixes together: This co-mingled waste can be counted as 3 waste streams. [/accordion_block] [accordion_block title="Commercial"] A supermarket consistently generates large quantities of cardboard packaging. This cardboard forms a significant portion of recycable waste generation. It is baled up and collected separately by a specialised waste contractor. In this case, cardboard waste can be considered a separate waste stream from paper. [/accordion_block] [/accordion]
18-Jan-2024 - Clarified list of residential waste streams (separated compostable waste streams and added relevant answer options).

Information correct as of 13thFebruary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.