In-Use / USA Residential V6 / Part 1 / 03 - Transport /

TRA 01 - Alternative modes of transport

Information correct as of 20thApril 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Electric vehicle charging stations – faster charging - KBCN1497

The number of electric vehicle charging stations required for compliance cannot be reduced by installing faster/higher power charging stations. This would not necessarily increase the availability of the charging stations for users.

Erratum – up to V6.0.0 – compliant cycle storage - KBCN1595

Criteria Instead of answer C, criterion 3 should refer to answers D and E. Evidence The criteria references for this issue are incorrect, and will be corrected in the next re-issue. Checklists and tables The headings in Table 20 do not match these answers. Table 20 will be revised with these updated headings:
Home size Answer D Minimum cycle storage 2 credits Answer E Additional cycle storage +1 additional credit
Studio or 1 bedroom 1 cycle space / 2 homes 1 cycle space / home
2 - 3 bedrooms 1 cycle space / home 2 cycle spaces / home
4+ bedrooms 2 cycle spaces / home 4 cycle spaces / home
Information correct as of 20thApril 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.