In-Use / BIU 2015 / BIU 2015 Part 1 / 04 - Water /

WAT 07 - Leak detection system

Information correct as of 8thFebruary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Fire hydrants and sprinklers – Leak detection - KBCN0680

Where it is confirmed by an appropriate project team member that it is not possible to fully meet the leak detection criteria for fire hydrants or sprinklers, an alternative approach can be implemented for these systems. This must demonstrably meet the aim of the issue by detecting and alerting the building management to major water leaks.   Previous guidance - superseded on 30 May 2024 To meet BREEAM compliance, emergency systems such as fire hydrants and sprinklers need also to be covered by a leak detection system. The leak detection system must cover all mains water supply between and within the building and the ‘site boundary'.
11 Sep 2024 - Applicability to BIU V6 confirmed - QN-75509-C8H8V1
30 May 2024 - New guidance introduced to clarify that BREEAM compliance should not compromise the operation of building safety-critical systems. Applicability to NC V6 standards confirmed.

Leak detection – extent of responsibility - KBCN0688

For the credit to be awarded, all the pipework in a development that the owner/occupier has responsibility for must meet the leak detection criteria.  In situations where third party organisations place restrictions on the pipework that can be metered, the scope of works (and hence placement of a meter for the use of leak detection) will start immediately after this point.  For instance where the utility company's meter is placed midway between the boundary and the building, the scope of leak detection for BREEAM purposes will be between utility meter and the building, not to the boundary (as stated in the guidance). The scope of the BREEAM criteria is only on pipework that the owner/occupier has control over.

Leak detection – recycled water use - KBCN0433

The leak detection requirements still apply to all relevant water systems where water recycling systems are specified for WCs and urinals. Recycled water should be considered as a valuable resource as it replaces potable water use and, in many instances, recycling systems will still incorporate a mains-water back up.    

Leak detection – using a BMS - KBCN0439

A BMS can be used for leak detection purposes if it can be demonstrated that its integrated or add-on features meet all the requirements for a leak detection system.
07 Feb 2022 - Applicability to BIU V6C confirmed

Information correct as of 8thFebruary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.