Verification of consumption data - KBCN1019
Where consumption data has been entered into the BREEAM In-Use Part 2 Energy Calculator, the Assessor must provide evidence to support this and demonstrate its correlation to the assessed area. The consumption figures shall be supported by either corresponding utility bills or verified metered consumption data (or a combination of the two). This means that, for example, simply submitting a spreadsheet containing consumption figures is not compliant, clear demonstration that this has been verified is required.
It is also common that available utility bills may not coincide with the assessed area for an asset, this means that further evidence is required to demonstrate the actual consumption for the assessed area.
Since there are many different methods in which energy data can be monitored (e.g. manual meter readings, Energy Management Systems etc.), the format used when submitting metered consumption data often varies between assessments. This often leads to confusion for Assessors on whether particular evidence meets the requirements.
For these reasons, further clarity has been provided outlining how compliance can be met when neither appropriate utility bills nor verified metered consumption data (undertaken by the Assessor) are available for the assessed area. In these instances, it is possible to
strengthen this existing evidence with a verification statement. Please see the following guidance below:
- Clear description of how the consumption data was obtained for each question, e.g. manual reading, automatic reading from a BMS, energy bills, etc.;
- Clear description of any calculations carried out to the data before it is entered into the BREEAM In-Use online platform, e.g. energy use determined by subtracting sub-metered data from main meter readings;
- Clear reporting of the period the consumption data relates to, i.e. start date and end-date for each consumption figure;
- Clear confirmation that the data covers the assessed area only, and is based on metered data, rather than estimations or apportionment.
- Such confirmation will be provided and signed from either someone internal to the organization or the Assessor themselves (see Note below).
Where confirmation is undertaken by someone other than the Assessor, the Assessor must be content that the information is correct, and that the individual has a good understanding of metering systems and of the metering strategy of the particular asset being assessed. This should be clearly outlined within the Assessor comments.
Note: BREEAM USA In-Use Version 6 includes a method that can be used where the asset does not have consumption data which covers the assessment area only. Please see Ene 19 in the relevant BREEAM USA In-Use Version 6 technical manual for more details.
Information correct as of 19