New Construction / International / 2016 / 07 - Waste /

WST 03a - Operational waste

Information correct as of 18thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Alternatives to composting - KBCN0465

In anaerobic digesters, organic waste is digested by micro-organisms which break down fats, oils and grease. Digesters where the only output is water that is safe to discharge into drains and sewers are acceptable alternatives to composting. Macerators which simply reduce solids into small pieces through a shredding or grinding process and flush the residue into the drainage system are not an acceptable alternative to composting.

Compactor/baler/organic waste storage requirements – Speculative/Shell only/Shell and core - KBCN1662

For Shell only/Shell and core assessments and speculative developments, where the scope of works does not include the installation of such facilities but the building function suggests that they will be required, appropriately sized space, services and infrastructure for the relevant facilities must be provided. The facilities themselves do not necessarily need to be provided or installed to demonstrate compliance.
First published for BREEAM USA 1st October 2024

Contractual agreements for Shell Only / Shell & Core assessments - KBCN0942

For Shell Only and Shell & Core (RFO Part 1, Part 2, and combined Part 1 & 2) assessments, all relevant criteria are applicable. Contractual agreements confirming future provision of spaces are not acceptable. Evidence must be provided showing waste storage space(s) that are suitably sized, dedicated and unlikely to be used by the future tenants for other purposes. While the location of the space/spaces may change when fitting out, at this stage a space that is conveniently located for the deposit and collection of operational waste must be provided.

Home composting facilities – clarification - KBCN0927

Home composting facilities are individual composting containers placed within the kitchen area or communal space for each self-contained dwelling, bedsit or communal kitchen. These containers are either emptied into local on-site communal facilities or are collected by composting collection services run by the waste collection authority. Individual composting containers should be:
  1. Located in a dedicated, non-obstructive position.
  2. Easily accessible to all users.
  3. Durable, low maintenance and cleanable.
  4. Enclosed to manage odour and pest issues.

Multi-Residential: Internal recyclable waste container if waste is sorted off site - KBCN0354

Where the Local Authority or waste management company for the scheme provide evidence confirming that recyclable waste will be sorted after they have collected it from site, it is acceptable to provide one internal storage bin of a minimum capacity of 30 L rather than 3 separate internal bins. The relevant recycling scheme must collect at least 3 of the following materials; paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, metals or textiles.    

Multi-residential: Waste storage shared by more than six bedrooms - KBCN0856

Where multi-residential buildings contain communal facilities shared by more than six bedrooms, the requirement for total waste storage can be increased on a pro-rata basis to demonstrate compliance. For instance, if the standard requirement is 30L for six bedrooms, this equates to 5L per bedroom. Where assessing a flat with eight bedrooms, this requirement increases to 40L (8 x 5L). The minimum size of individual containers remains unchanged as per the criteria.

Off-site waste sorting / no dedicated on-site waste storage - KBCN0696

BREEAM assesses the dedicated space for recyclable waste storage. This must be a permanent structure on-site, or space in the asset. Where this space does not exist: For NC or RFO The aim of the issue is met by provide evidence covering all points 1-4:
  1. A waste management plan which provides on-site storage between collections, adequately sized based on the frequency of collection.
  2. An on-going waste recycling contract.
  3. The typical recycling rates from the waste management company.
  4. A permanent structure (or internal space) within the asset site boundary that can be converted to comply with all criteria requirements. Layout drawings must be provided showing how this space could be converted in future, including meeting all relevant criteria for: • User and vehicle access, • Area requirements for waste storage, • Appropriate size and number of containers for the expected waste streams, and • Space allowance for any additional waste processing requirements e.g. compactors, composting containers, water outlets etc.
This ensures that there is: For BIU The above approach for NC / RFO only applies to waste storage for construction fit-outs, which are temporary in nature. It does not apply to any other credits, and compliance cannot be met based on future commitments. This means that the above approach: For BIU, new storage areas will be recognised once they are completed and assessed in future certification cycles.
18-Nov-2024 - Requirements for BIU projects clarified relating to all answers in Rsc 02. Title clarified.
09-Feb-2024 - Requirements clarified. Applicability updated to include construction waste storage for BIU V6 Rsc 02.
17-Jan-2024 - Scheme applicability updated.
16-Apr-2018 - Wording clarified.

Operational waste – Additional requirements for multi-residential buildings with individual bedrooms and communal facilities only - KBCN1519

These criteria are intended for situations where occupants of individual rooms have access to shared kitchens, which can be used to prepare food, regardless of whether central catering is also available. In developments where all catering is managed centrally and no communal/shared kitchens are provided, these requirements do not apply. If, for example, catering is managed centrally, but there are small satellite kitchens for staff to sort/reheat food for residents, the assessor must justify whether and to what extent recyclable waste will be generated in these kitchens and demonstrate that adequate recyclable waste storage provided as appropriate.

Operational waste requirement for catering – applicability - KBCN1162

The additional operational waste storage requirement for developments which include catering is generally only applicable where a commercial scale kitchen is present. Where the design team can justify that there will be no significant waste streams from a modest facility, such as a small cafe, selling only drinks and pre-prepared snacks, the additional waste storage area identified in the default values does not need to be provided to meet compliance.

Operational waste storage sizing - KBCN0560

The dedicated space requirements given in the technical manual are default guidance, for situations where it is not possible to demonstrate the required size based on known waste streams. Compliance can, therefore, be achieved provided that it is clearly demonstrated and evidenced that there is adequate justification for the type of facilities & size of waste storage provided, and that the assessor is satisfied that the sizes and facilities meet the criteria based on the building type, occupancy and the likely waste volumes generated as a result of these.

Recyclable, general and organic waste storage – space, labelling and segregation - KBCN1577

Strategies may vary according to the specifics of each project, their waste streams and collection arrangements. The aim of these requirements is to encourage recycling, ensuring that it is correctly sorted and to prevent cross-contamination of waste streams. Label the recycling area This is required to alert building users and collection agencies to the location of the recycling facility. Label each recyclable waste stream This can be done by labelling the bins or their dedicated space within the recycling facility, or both. Mixed recycling bins and / or spaces are clearly labelled with their constituent waste streams. General or organic waste have their own dedicated spaces Sufficient space for general and, where relevant, organic waste is required in addition to meeting the requirements for recyclable waste. This does not have to be within a separate facility, but if combined with recyclable waste storage, there is greater risk of cross-contamination. The following requirements apply in this situation: If provision of waste bins is out of scope Where the provision of waste bins is outside the scope of the developer, it is clearly not possible to label the bins. In this situation, the following compliance options are available:
21-May-2024 - Link to KBCN0696 removed. Merged with KBCN1380. Minor clarification added on mixed recycling.

Residential institutions – short term stay - KBCN0811

The additional criteria for residential institutions do not apply to residential institutions - short term stay.
26-Mar-2024 - Scheme applicability corrected.

Self-contained dwellings / bedrooms with shared facilities – mixed recycling - KBCN1664

Where there is mixed recycling, the number of recyclables containers can be reduced to match the final waste streams being collected. For example, the standard BREEAM requirement is three recyclables containers per dwelling / communal facility. The total combined storage volume requirements are the same as stated in the manuals. To apply this KBCN, the project team must provide evidence to QA of the waste collection policies that apply to the asset.

Suitability of waste storage facilities - KBCN0186

In situations where direct vehicular access to the recyclable waste store is limited by logistics or if size is a problem, for example inner city locations, some flexibility to the application of the criteria is allowed. The assessor can use their judgement on whether the storage space is appropriately sized and if the distance and changes in level via lifts or steps are acceptable. Convenience, H&S issues and the volume and type of waste likely to be generated must be considered.  Where the assessor deems the arrangement to be satisfactory this would be acceptable. Typically, ‘accessible’ is defined as being within 66ft of a building entrance. In some circumstances site restrictions or tenancy arrangements could mean it is not possible for the facilities to be within 66ft of a building entrance. If, in the opinion of the BREEAM assessor it is not feasible for the facilities to be within 66ft of a building entrance, their judgement can be used to determine if the facility is deemed to be ‘accessible’ to the building occupants and for vehicle collection. 

Waste management practices - KBCN0247

16/04/2018 This compliance note is no longer valid as it does not fully explain how to approach this Issue. Please refer to the technical guidance and other compliance notes, such as KBCN0696, which deals with co-mingled recyclable waste. The requirement to provide a dedicated space for the segregation and storage of operational recyclable waste, as well as relevant facilities (e.g. for large amounts of packaging and/or compostible waste), relates to the building, not the occupier or the local authorities. A dedicated space and facilities must be provided irrespective of the waste management practices of the relevant stakeholders. The BREEAM certification relates to the building, not the occupier's or the local authorities' waste management practices. Therefore, the provision of a dedicated space and the relevant facilities is required to ensure the building's operational recyclable waste streams is diverted from landfill.
22/02/2017 Amended to include facilities (in addition to dedicated spaces)

Waste storage provision for catering - KBCN0755

As the manual states, the additional 2m2 per 1000 m2 of waste storage area provided for catering is measured against the "net floor area where catering is provided" and NOT the floor area of the catering facility. Generally, a catering facility will serve building users throughout the building. If it can be demonstrated that this is not the case, for example if part of the development is subject to a separate tenancy, not served by the catering facility, the area calculation can be adjusted accordingly. Where the net floor area is not indicative of the actual occupancy, the default values may not be appropriate. In such cases, the predicted waste streams should be calculated based on the actual occupancy and waste streams generated. This requirement accounts for the increase in waste produced by building based on the likely number of building users served by the catering facility. Please note that these default calculations are only intended for use where it is not possible to determine accurately what provision should be made based on predicted waste streams. 
15 06 2017 Wording updated to clarify

Water outlet - KBCN0824

A water outlet referred to in criterion 3.c is meant to be any device able to supply water (tap, faucet, hose, etc.)

[Withdrawn] Labeling and signage – Where provision of waste bins is out of scope - KBCN1380

[This KBCN has been merged with KBCN1577]. Where the provision of waste bins is outside the scope of the developer, it is clearly not possible to label the bins. In this situation, the following compliance options are available:
  1. Provide compliant signage to the storage area and label bin spaces within the storage area according to the relevant waste streams.
  2. Where future waste streams are unknown, provide compliant signage to the storage area and a written commitment from the developer to ensure that the bins and/or bin spaces are labelled.
See also KBCN1577 It is recognised that the bins may be provided by the tenant, local authority or waste management company after the time of certification.
21-May-2024 - Withdrawn. Merged with KBCN1577.
22-Mar-2023 - Updated to align with KBCN1577 and to clarify applicability to all assessment types where providing bins is out of scope.

Information correct as of 18thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.