Refurbishment and Fit Out / International / 2015 / 01 - Management /

MAN 04 - Commissioning and Handover

Information correct as of 20thApril 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Applicable assessment criteria (Parts 2 – 4) - KBCN0896

Due to an error within the publication process of SD225 (issue 1.4 onward), there is incorrect information related to the applicability of assessment criteria to Parts 2 - 4. The following information should be used to determine the applicability to assessment criteria. Part 2: Criterion 1 - 4, Criterion 5 and 6a, and Criterion 9 and 10. Part 3: Criterion 1 - 4, Criterion 5 and 6b, and Criterion 9 and 10. Part 4: Criterion 1 - 4, Criterion 5 and 6b (see CN13 within Man 04), and Criterion 9 and 10.
Technical manual to be updated accordingly at the next reissue

Commissioning – Monitor and specialist commissioning manager - KBCN00051

The commissioning monitor is typically a project team member who will monitor the systems commissioning and testing programme for the building. The individual may combine that role with that of the specialist commissioning manager to deal with complex systems if they have the necessary knowledge. However, if the building has several specialist systems it is unlikely that the same person would be able to carry out all of the commissioning and more than one specialist would most likely be required.

Commissioning – Role of the specialist commissioning manager - KBCN0604

The specialist commissioning manager for a complex system will generally be be a specialist contractor. They must provide independent design review, oversee the commissioning and independently verify the work carried out by the installer, in line with the criteria. It may be possible for the specialist commissioning manager to be part of the principal contractor's organisation, provided it is demonstrated that they are independent of the design and installation and that any potential conflict of interest has been managed.
22 Nov 2021 - Wording updated to clarify the intent.

Fabric testing and inspection in hot climates - KBCN0790

The requirements for thermographic survey and air tightness testing are applicable to both, cold and hot climates. A suitably qualified professional will advise on the appropriate testing conditions and specific methods in order to address this issue in different climatic conditions. Building fabric air tightness is important in different climates in order to ensure than no additional energy is consumed due to increased heating or cooling demand originating from the lack of integrity of the building fabric.

Part 1 applicability of ‘Commissioning’ and ‘Handover’ credits - KBCN00096

There is an error in the manual regarding the number of credits available in Man 04 to Part 1 only assessments. Only assessment criteria 7 and 8, the 'Testing and inspecting building fabric' credit is applicable. The two commissioning credits (criteria 1-6) and the handover credit (criteria 9-10) are not applicable when undertaking a Part 1 assessment. These requirements are beyond the scope of a Part 1 only assessment.

Testing and inspecting building fabric – Untreated spaces - KBCN0972

Untreated spaces, which are not subject to compliance with statutory energy performance regulations, can be excluded from the scope of the 'Testing and inspecting building fabric/thermographic survey/air pressure testing' criteria.    

Testing and inspecting the building fabric credit - KBCN0649

The requirements for this credit are to ensure continuity of insulation, avoidance of thermal bridging and air leakage paths. How this is achieved is up to the judgement of the suitably qualified professional. The criteria are intended to afford the design team the opportunity to demonstrate that the above are met by whatever means are appropriate, which will generally be air-tightness testing and a thermographic survey. Should the suitably qualified professional advise alternative means, the assessor must be satisfied and be able to demonstrate that all the above requirements have been met. BREEAM seeks to be outcome-driven and does not, therefore, prescribe the specific testing methods to achieve the criteria in this Issue.  

Thermographic survey – Seasonal constraints - KBCN00031

Where seasonal constraints prevent the thermographic survey from being completed prior to certification at the post construction stage, the requirements can be satisfied with: Thermographic surveys are designed to map the thermal efficiency of buildings and to detect areas where there are breaches in the thermal envelope. Surveys need to be conducted when temperature differences between the external areas of the building and surrounding air can be detected after the envelope is sealed. There may will be instances where the survey cannot be done before certification after the envelope is sealed and as such, the survey would take place after certification. 

Thermographic survey – Standards for qualification of personnel - KBCN0689

Assessors can accept reports from thermographers who hold a suitable Infrared Thermographic Testing (TT) qualification under one of the following standards, depending on which one was current at the time of the thermographer's qualification:
13-Mar-2017 - Compliance note amended to allow the applicability of standards based on the time of the thermographer's qualification, rather than the BREEAM scheme version.
03-Nov-2021 - Above text added to issue 2.0 of the UK RFO 2014 technical manual. The text is still relevant to previous issues of the manual.
07-Mar-2023 - Updated title to clarify that this KBCN relates to standards for the qualification of personnel.

Thermographic survey for large and complex buildings - KBCN0405

In the case of large and complex buildings, it may be impractical for the thermographic survey and air-tightness testing to cover 100% of the building. The level of the survey should be decided by a Level 2 qualified thermographic surveyor. This could include, for example, airports, large hospitals and high-rise buildings.

Thermographic survey impractical - KBCN0150

In the case of large and complex buildings, it may be impractical for the thermographic survey and airtightness testing to cover 100% of the building. Where a complete thermographic survey is deemed impractical by a Level 2 qualified thermographic surveyor, the guidance in airtightness standard TSL2 (or relevant local standard) should be followed on the extent of the survey and testing. This could include, for example, airports, large hospitals, high-rise buildings.  
Information correct as of 20thApril 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.