Communities / 2012 /
02 - Social and Economic Well-Being
Information correct as of 14thMarch 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.
Compliant attenuated noise levels - KBCN00047
BS 4142 noise level requirements can be used to demonstrate compliance provided the best practice testing methodologies for noise attenuation outlined in BS 7445 are followed.
Erratum – Criterion 9 – Indoor ambient noise - KBCN1569
The wording of criterion 9 is incorrect and should read as follows:
9. The developer commits to achieve indoor ambient noise levels in buildings and, where appropriate, external noise levels 5dB (or a meaningful and reasonable dB) below the “reasonable” targets set out in BS8233 or other appropriate good practice standards or regulations.
This will be corrected in the next reissue of the technical manual.
Temporary power solutions in noise impact assessments - KBCN0171
Plants such as standby generators that are only used temporarily are excluded from the noise impact assessment.
Information correct as of 14thMarch 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.