New Construction / NOR / 2016 / 01 - Management /

MAN 05

Information correct as of 13thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Aftercare – speculative developments - KBCN0101

For speculative projects (i.e. where the end occupiers are unknown), the Aftercare issue will be filtered out. Any relevant minimum standard will not be applicable in such cases. Where the end-user is unknown it is not possible to demonstrate compliance with the Aftercare issue requirements.  

Seasonal commissioning evidence - KBCN0818

Where the criteria require that seasonal commissioning activities are to be completed over a minimum 12 month period following the occupation of the building, it is accepted that completed records may not be available at the time of Final Certification. In such cases, evidence of the appointment of a seasonal commissioning manager and schedule of commissioning responsibilities which fulfils the BREEAM criteria are acceptable to demonstrate compliance.  

Seasonal commissioning of Solar Photovoltaics (PV) - KBCN0244

Solar PVs can be excluded from the requirements for seasonal commissioning. This is because commissioning at a particular time of the year will not affect the original commissioning of the system.
Information correct as of 13thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.