New Construction / NOR / 2016 / 04 - Transport /

TRA 04

Information correct as of 3rdJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

No car parking provision - KBCN00059

Where the assessment criteria are applicable to a building that has no car parking spaces and where there are no parking spaces accessible to building users, the benchmarks can be considered to be met. If, however, parking is shared with other buildings or parking spaces are available on a campus-type site then the provision must still be assessed.          

Obligation to provide a minimum number of car parking spaces exceeding BREEAM requirements - KBCN0401

Where it can be demonstrated (by documentary evidence) an obligation to meet a ’minimum car parking requirement’ which exceeds the BREEAM benchmarks is imposed by the planning authority, as long as no more than the stipulated minimum spaces are provided, a single credit can be awarded.

Occupancy calculation – Buildings with shift patterns - KBCN0431

In buildings with shift patterns, as shifts may overlap, the building users calculation should be based on the maximum occupancy of the building at any given time.

Parking integral to development’s use - KBCN1145

Dedicated on-site parking which is integral to the function of the development can be excluded from the calculation of parking capacity. Examples could include, but are not limited to: The spaces are only to be used for this purpose, and must have appropriate signage and / or markings.

Parking spaces with electric car recharging stations - KBCN00044

Electric car spaces should be included in the total number of car parking spaces calculation for maximum car parking capacity. Whilst electric cars provide benefits in terms of reduced emissions, they do not directly reduce congestion which is one of the aims of this issue.

Public car parks - KBCN00092

Any public car parks in the vicinity of the assessed building, for which the building owners/operator are not providing some form of subsidy or an agreement with the car park operators to provide priority spaces for building staff, can be excluded from the assessment.  

Rounding the number of parking spaces - KBCN0602

Where the calculated number of car parking spaces is a fraction of a whole number, this should be rounded down to the next whole number to assess the issue. Fewer parking spaces are preferable as the more sustainable solution.  

Temporary Car Parking - KBCN0751

The number of car parking spaces should be based on the permanent parking spaces provided specifically for the development once fully operational. Assessors should determine whether parking spaces should be considered 'permanent' or 'temporary', based on evidence provided by the design team.

Visitor car parking spaces for Other Buildings (Transport type 2) - KBCN0242

For developments such as hotels and visitor centres, which have a relatively small number of staff and large visitor numbers, the guest/visitor car parking spaces do not need to be assessed for this Issue where these are separate from the staff parking spaces. However, if the staff and visitor’s spaces are combined (and not clearly segregated) then all spaces must be accounted for within the calculation for maximum car parking capacity. The aim of this Issue, 'To encourage the use of alternative means of transport...' is intended to apply to those commuting to the building on a regular basis.
21 06 2017 Wording amended to clarify the type of building and building-user covered by this KBCN.

Information correct as of 3rdJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.