In-Use / BIU 2015 /
00 General
Information correct as of 25thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.
Assessing multiple buildings in BREEAM In-Use 2015 - KBCN0840
BREEAM In-Use has been developed as an environmental assessment method to assess existing assets. Typically, an asset consists of a building or part of a building. In certain circumstances, multiple buildings can be classified as a single asset by a client. This is often the case where buildings are of similar physical structure and built form, have common building servicing strategies and common management arrangements.
To assess multiple buildings as a single asset using BREEAM In-Use, the criteria listed below must be confirmed by a licenced BREEAM In-Use Assessor. This will ensure a meaningful outcome of the performance of the asset.
- All buildings must have the same building function, similar performance, and be of the similar design and age.
- Buildings must either:
- Be connected to and share common services to meet the comfort and sanitary demands of the occupants. This includes: heating, ventilation,cooling and hot water.
- If these services are provided locally: identical servicing strategies as well as specification of equipment must be applied across all buildings.
- All buildings must share similar building envelope (the physical separator between the interior and exterior of a building) and structural specifications. Buildings do not need to be physically connected, however: the specification of the envelope must be largely the same to ensure that the performance of each building fabric is comparable in terms of the range of assessed characteristics including thermal efficiency.
- Building management and maintenance policies, procedures and approach must be the same across all the buildings that make up the asset to ensure consistent implementation.
- All buildings must be located on the same site. The boundary of the site must be drawn where responsibility of management or ownership of the site changes.
- The Assessor must collate the required evidence from each building that is included in the asset and where performance against the BREEAM requirements varies, the final score will be determined by the space with the lowest level of performance.
- If alterations are made to the management and the physical structure of the asset that in turn changes the applicability of the eligibility criteria above, re-certifications must be undertaken at a building level if the Multiple Buildings approach is no longer applicable.
Please note: if the buildings differ from each other in a number of areas, a multiple buildings approach has limited value to all parties involved. In such cases, the rating will not clearly identify the areas for improvement within each building. By assessing the buildings separately, the granularity of the assessment is increased which will in turn provide owners with more detailed information on how improvement plans can be rolled out.
For assessment multiple buildings under BREEAM In-Use Version 6, please see:
09 Aug 2024 - Title updated. Reference and links to guidance for current BIU standards added
Recognising future performance - KBCN1538
BREEAM In-Use recognises an asset's operational performance
at the time of certification.
cannot be based on commitments to improve the performance of an asset in the future.
Where changes to an asset are made during a 3-year certification cycle:
- BREEAM In-Use V6 allows the asset's mid-cycle performance to be updated and reflected in an updated certificate.
- Legacy versions of BREEAM In-Use recognise updated performance via re-certification.
Renewal – Change in Asset Ownership and/or Management - KBCN1060
Before annual certificate renewal for Part 1 and 2 certificates, BRE Global requests confirmation from the client that no significant changes have been made to the asset or building management of the asset. Significant changes are those made to the asset or its management that result in a change in the overall rating of more than 5%.
Change in ownership
In a situation whereby the building owner changes whilst there is a valid BREEAM In-Use certificate, providing the new building owner sends BRE Global formal confirmation of ownership, and confirmation that they have not made any significant changes to the asset or building management of the asset since acquiring the asset, the certificate can be updated to reflect the new owner. Part 1 and 2 renewals can continue as per the standard process until the assessment is due for re-certification.
Change in building/property manager
In a situation whereby the building/property management changes whilst there is a valid BREEAM In-Use certificate, the process alters depending on the parts certified:
For Part 1 certification, renewals can continue as per the standard process until the assessment is due-for re-certification.
For Part 2 certification, the change in building/property management constitutes as a significant change. A Part 2 assessment is based on the procedures and policies in place in relation to the operation of the asset and consequently if this organisation changes, the evidence in place from the initial assessment will no longer represent the current situation.
For this reason, if the building/property management changes whilst there is a valid BREEAM In-Use Part 2 certificate, a full re-assessment including site visit is required.
Please note: BREEAM In-Use certificates display all Parts certified on one certificate, for this reason, if one or more parts requires full re-assessment all Parts need to be re-submitted.
Information correct as of 25thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.