New Construction / International / V6 / 03 - Energy /
ENE 02a - Energy monitoring
Information correct as of 2ndJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.
Centralised air handling units (AHU) - KBCN0941
The requirements of the:
- Second sub-metering credit (New Construction).
- Issue (BREEAM In-Use).
do not apply to centralised AHUs, where it is not technically feasible to sub-meter energy use by separate functional, tenanted or floor areas.
The credit(s) will be assessed based on the remaining applicable energy uses.
06-Mar-2024 - Scheme applicability extended to V6.
Combined sub-metering – electric space / water heating and small power - KBCN00068
For bedrooms and associated spaces in:
- Multi-residential or residential institution building types (New Construction).
- Hospitality or supportive housing asset types (BREEAM In-Use).
It is acceptable for an electric space or water heating system to be combined with lighting and small power, provided that sub-metering is provided for each floor plate or other appropriate sub-division.
For these asset types, sub-metering electric heating in multiple bedrooms may be costly and technically challenging. Where occupants have individual control but are not responsible for paying the utility bills, the building manager may have little influence on their energy consumption. Therefore, sub-metering electric heating would provide little or no benefit in meeting the aim of the issue.
06-Mar-2024 - Scheme applicability extended to V6.
15-Dec-2023 - Title updated to clarify that this approach can be applied to both space heating and domestic hot water heating, where appropriate.
Excluding large untreated warehouse spaces from ‘Useful floor area’ - KBCN00069
For industrial buildings, where there are offices and the untreated warehouse space does not include any energy-intensive systems or processes, the warehouse space can be excluded from the calculation of 'useful floor area' to determine whether Criterion 2 or 3 (Criterion 2 only in UK New Construction 2018) is applicable.
For speculative developments, if Planning Consent includes Distribution or Warehousing (UK Planning Use Class B8 or equivalent local planning consent) and the design team and assessor can justify that this is the intended use, the above approach can be followed for untreated warehouse space.
Where there is minimal energy consumption, complex sub-metering such a space would add little benefit.
28 Oct 2022 - Applicability to INC V6 and UK NC V6 confirmed.
Wording clarified and note added relating to speculative developments - 16/12/2016
Wording clarified relating to speculative developments - 06/01/2020
Single functional area and no tenanted areas – operational energy monitoring - KBCN00056
Where the building has a
single functional or tenanted area for sub-metering, with no other significant energy uses that must be separately metered, then:
- The sub-metering of functional and tenanted areas credit can be awarded by default if,
- The sub-metering by end use credit is achieved.
26-Mar-2024 - Wording clarified. Scheme applicability updated.
Sub-metering technologies – Compliance Principle - KBCN1561
Where it can be demonstrated that alternative sub-metering technologies can meet or exceed the capabilities of systems set out in the BREEAM guidance, subject to approval, these can also be considered compliant.
It is the role of the Assessor and the project team to provide evidence and justification in a compliance principle query (see
The following metering standards or technologies are currently recognised as alternatives to pulsed output meters:
- M-bus.
I.e. systems that comply with the EN 13757 series of standards.
Also includes systems complying with the OMS (Open Metering System) standards.
Sub-metering using non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) systems - KBCN1710
Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) systems cannot be used to demonstrate compliance for the sub-metering credits within BREEAM. Hardware-based sub-meters must be installed. NILM systems are generally retrofit systems which can be easily removed and are not integral to the building or installed building services.
Information correct as of 2ndJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.