Domestic Refurbishment / 2012 / 01 - Management /

MAN 05 - Protection and Enhancement of Ecological Features

Information correct as of 18thApril 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Assessor completing a site survey - KBCN0141

The BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment assessor can complete a site survey to identify whether there are any ecological features present.  This needs to be based on evidence demonstrating the ecological features present, for example a building/site inspection report, photographic evidence, drawings or other detailed documentary evidence.

The BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment assessor is recognised as a member of the project team.

Ecological value – timing of planting - KBCN0479

Where the 18 month deadline for the completion of the planting is likely to be exceeded due to the timing or phasing of the construction, the project team will need to clearly justify the reason for this variation, and provide a written commitment to carry out the planting within a reasonable and justifiable timescale.

Enhancing ecological features without protecting existing features - KBCN0311

You may meet the criteria for ecological enhancement without meeting the criteria for protection of ecological features. This will achieve 1 exemplary credit. It may not be feasible to protect existing ecological features but still possible to enhance site ecology as part of the project. 

Suitably Qualified Ecologist – Other recognised organisations - KBCN0192

With regards to the definition of a Suitably Qualified Ecologist, in addition to the organisations already listed within the manual, full members of the following organisations are also deemed SQE's; Provided the individual meets all other requirements as outlined in the definition of a Suitably Qualified Ecologist (SQE).
Information correct as of 18thApril 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.