Infrastructure / Projects /
UK & Ireland
Information correct as of 11thMarch 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.
Minimum standards – Scope out - KBCN1681
Any BREEAM Infrastructure criteria agreed for ‘scope out’ within an assessment are removed from the assessment in their entirety. This applies to criteria marked as a ‘minimum standard’. When seeking to achieve an Outstanding rating, where one or more of the ‘minimum standard’ criteria are scoped out, these no longer contribute to achieving an Outstanding rating.
For example, if criterion 7.2.2 is agreed for ‘scope out’, the minimum standard will be based on achieving a score greater than 90% and meeting criteria 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 4.4.1 and 7.4.2.
PAS 2080:2023 – BREEAM Infrastructure - KBCN1628
An updated version of PAS 2080 was released in April 2023 (PAS 2080:2023), superseding the previous version (PAS 2080:2016).
The latest version of PAS 2080 may be used in BREEAM Infrastructure assessments in place of the previous version. The equivalent, relevant clauses are given in the table below.
PAS 2080:2016 (original) |
PAS 2080:2023 (updated) |
Clause 7 – Quantification of GHG emissions |
Clause 7 – Whole life carbon assessment principles to support decision-making |
Clause 8 – Target setting, baseline setting and monitoring |
Clause 8 – Target setting and baselines |
Clause 9 – Reporting |
Clause 9 – Monitoring and reporting |
Clause 10 – Continual improvement |
Clause 11 – Continual improvement |
Clause 12 – Claims of conformity |
Clause 12 – Claims of conformity |
The references to specific clause numbers for claims of conformity remain unchanged (part of Clause 12 in PAS 2080).
The latest version of PAS 2080:2023 is available to download from BSI:
An updated guidance document for PAS 2080:2023 is available from ICE:
Scoping criteria requirements – Award types that exclude project stages - KBCN1682
The following award types all exclude one or two project stages from an assessment:
• Strategy & Design
• Design & Construction
• Design Only
• Construction Only
This can make it challenging to understand how to deal with situations where criteria refer to a stage or requirement that is not assessed as part of the award type. This is particularly prevalent for Construction Only Awards.
It may be tempting to scope out these criteria because the required measures are ‘not in the design brief’ or ‘not our responsibility’. However, before scoping out any criteria, it must be considered whether the requirements could have been met, regardless of whether relevant measures were specifically asked for.
‘Scope out’ is determined by relevance. For example, in a Construction Only Award, the contractor should consider what measures they can take to meet the requirements without the assistance of the client or designer.
Information correct as of 11thMarch 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.