New Construction / UK / V6 / 02 Health and Wellbeing /

Hea 01 - Visual comfort

Information correct as of 26thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Daylighting – alternative requirements for schools. - KBCN1272

For schools, it is acceptable to use the Department for Education Generic Design Brief (GDB), Technical Annex 2E requirements as an alternative method of compliance with the ‘Daylighting’ criteria. The set daylight performance criteria by each area type (weighted by area) must be met in line with the GDB framework requirements.
05-Aug-2024 Completely updated to align with current DfE requirements, and V7 criteria. Title updated.
31-Jul-2019 Reworded to clarify that the 80% requirement (relating to old EFSA requirements) still applies.

Pods or privacy booths used as workstations – Impact on view out - KBCN1697

Provided the space or room itself is compliant based on a more traditional furniture arrangement, the enclosure of workstations in booths or pods can be disregarded when considering compliance with the ‘View out’ criteria.
Information correct as of 26thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.