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B2 Energy and Cost

Information correct as of 3rdJanuary 2025. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.

Adding rows to the Energy Reporting tool - KBCN1441

After entering the first product, fill out the row beneath it with the details of another product and a row will automatically be added.

Air conditioning and cooling - KBCN0373

Energy used for air conditioning and cooling systems should not be included when assessing NOx emissions.

Approved software XML outputs - KBCN0848

Some technical issues within HQM require files from external software to be uploaded to BREEAM Projects in order to generate credits. These files are only valid where they have been produced using software that has been approved by BRE Global. Please visit Greenbook Live or contact the technical team for information on approved software. Where a required software is not listed as approved , the software provider would need to gain approved status from BRE Global before it can be used to assess an HQM registered project.    

CHP NOx emission conversion - KBCN0592

If the CHP manufacturer cannot provide the NOx emissions in mg/kWh it is not possible to award any credits. The CHP manufacturer must provide the NOx emissions in mg/kWh, the conversion factors provided in the Technical Manual can only be used for boilers.

Converting energy consumption into kWh/annum from new EU energy labels - KBCN1462

To convert the energy consumption from new EU energy labels into kWh/annum, the following guidance should be followed: Dishwasher: multiply kWh/100 cycles figure on EU energy label by 2.8 to get kWh/annum Washing machines and washer dryers: multiply kWh/100 cycles figure on EU energy label by 2.2 to get kWh/annum Ovens: multiply kWh/cycle figure on EU energy label by 286 to get kWh/annum
25 Aug 2023 - Correction to 'typo error' for dishwasher conversion factor - previously shown as 2.08, now corrected to 2.8

Cost Output-PV connected to landlord supply - KBCN0833

Any cost savings associated with PV connected to landlord supply are not considered in the HQM cost output. The intention of the cost output is to provide greater assurance regarding the cost efficiency to the specific home being assessed. If this cannot be assured, a worst case scenario must be assumed.      

Decorative gas/ethanol fires - KBCN1301

Although fires may be decorative, if they are permanent features of the home that burn fuel to produce heat, they will have an impact on local air quality. They should be assessed in the Impact on Local Air Quality issue.

District Heating - KBCN1302

Where a project is connected to a district heating system which is outside the scope of the project or the wider development (for example phased developments) and is mandated by a local authority or other statutory body, the system does not need to be included in the assessment and 11 credits can be awarded by default. This is on the basis that the development's design team do not have control over the specification of the system. Where this is the case, evidence must be provided to demonstrate this. Where the development's design team do have control over the specification of the system, then it must be assessed.  

District heating connected after post-construction stage - KBCN1312

For HQM, at design stage, it may be acceptable to assume a network will be implemented and used by the assessed home, at completion if appropriate design-stage evidence demonstrates this, even if the system is not implemented at the time of the design-stage assessment. At post-construction, evidence would need to be revised and re-submitted based on what has happened in practice. In most cases the district heating network would need to have been installed and connected to, in order to use this system as part of the home’s energy calculations for the Energy and Cost issue, and to demonstrate installation of LZCTs in the Decentralised Energy issue. However, there is a possibility that time-frames could be flexible depending on the specific scenario being considered, which are judged on a case by case basis. To be considered, a technical query needs to be raised, with detailed information about the project including: location, size, whether it’s mixed-use or a phased development, type of network being connected to, time-frames of the connection and justifications for these, and the assurances that will be in place to ensure this happens in-practice. If it is not possible to provide this information during the design stage, this can be raised later but please be aware that there is a risk that credits achieved at design stage may be lost at post-construction stage, if the network is not connected to as planned. If this does happen, the ‘infrastructure’ criteria in the Decentralised energy issue may still be applicable if adequate infrastructure is installed by post-construction stage, which can be used to connect the home to LZCTs in the future, in line with any relevant criteria (e.g. feasibility study, CN4 etc.). In terms of how this works for BREEAM, it is possible that connection after post-construction could be acceptable, if the development is part of a larger or mixed-use project where the centralised services provision only becomes viable at a later phase and there are robust, legally enforceable routes to ensuring delivery of them to a set timeline. Evidence would need to be reviewed at post-construction stage on a case by case basis, in line with KBCN0267.

Emissions – measuring heating demand - KBCN0182

Emissions for all heat sources should be measured under normal operating conditions which are when all heat sources from the building plant are operating to their maximum design heat outputs to meet the building's heating demands. Where plant is designed to operate below maximum capacity, for example multiple or modular systems or standby boilers,the emissions should still be calculated for the plant operating to meet the building’s heating demand. Any redundant capacity or standby plant should not be included.  

GN28 Home Quality Mark (HQM) Energy and Cost Methodology Guidance Note – Draft - KBCN0768

The purpose of this guidance note is to provide a background to the calculation methodologies underpinning the energy performance section in the HQM ‘Energy and Cost’ issue. The purpose of this guidance note is to provide a background to the calculation methodologies underpinning the energy performance section in the HQM ‘Energy and Cost’ issue. As its name suggests, the HQM is focussed around delivering quality homes. When looking to purchase or rent a new home, consumers look for quality, and also for particular features specific to their needs (e.g. location, size, specification etc.). The HQM standard reflects these needs by promoting a holistic approach to assessing homes and reporting on specific attributes of a home. This enables consumers to make informed decisions and allows developers to showcase and differentiate their product in the marketplace. This document is intended to give a technical background to the calculation methodologies underpinning the HQM ‘Energy and Cost’ issue for end users (e.g. assessors, consultants or others) needing to make decisions influencing a home’s HQM score of the issue. It explains how the methodology works, the HQM inputs required and each of the outputs generated. It also provides guidance on how variations in the input (i.e. SAP inputs, ‘bolt-on’ inputs etc.) affect the outputs. The principles of the calculation methodologies used in the Energy and Cost assessment issue are in keeping with the above. Three measures have been incorporated into the issue to assist in meeting the above aims: • Adoption of the ‘triple metric’ approach – this calculation methodology is used to calculate the Home Energy Performance Ratio (HEPR). This ensures a balanced approach when considering the fabric performance, systems efficiency and CO2 emissions of the home. • Introduction of a cost output – this will allow consumers to compare predicted regulated energy costs and identify specified systems that may perform well environmentally, but be more costly to run. • Introduction of rigour routes – this enables recognition of measures taken to improve the accuracy of the energy calculations. This guidance document looks into the detail of the calculation methodologies for each of the above three measures. In particular it looks into: • The HQM energy calculation engine – the basis of the engine which is used to calculate credits regarding energy performance (and high temperature – see other guidance note), and information on how it works. • Bolt-on calculations – several new elements have been added to the Building Research Establishment Domestic Energy Model (BREDEM1 ) methodology to improve the accuracy of the calculations; the required inputs and methodologies for each of these ‘bolt-on’ calculations are discussed in more detail View full Guidance Note (licensed assessors only) View all Guidance Notes (licensed assessors only)

Heat pumps - KBCN1316

Heat pumps can only be considered as a renewable technology when used in heating mode. Refer to Annex VII of Directive 2009/28/EC for more detail on accounting for energy from heat pumps.

Heated common areas for homes - KBCN1390

A BRUKL is only required for the HQM calculation if it is already required by building control.

If heated common areas are not applicable to the assessment but the assessment tool is requesting inputs for them, please check your inputs for shared common areas in the 'Home details' and 'Energy and cost' parts of the tool.

HQM energy averaging - KBCN0909

Energy averaging cannot be applied for the purposes of HQM, which means the energy credits scored are specific to the individual home being assessed. This means that individual homes within the same block can score significantly different outputs. This approach has been taken because HQM is driven by the consumer and its outputs need to relate to the actual home that the consumer is looking to purchase or rent.  This is particularly important for aspects like cost, which in practice, can vary significantly between apartments within the same block.  If costs were averaged across the building, they would have very little relevance to people’s bills. In this respect HQM follows the same principles as EPCs, instead of Building Regulations and the Code for Sustainable Homes, which act as regulatory drivers for carbon reduction rather than individual home performance. This approach applies across other issues in HQM. For example, penthouse luxury apartments may be more likely to score better in issues like 'Daylight' or 'Access and space' compared to smaller mid-level apartments within the same block, which may be more energy efficient and cheaper to run.

HQM energy engine via BREEAM Projects - KBCN0670

The HQM energy engine is built into the full HQM assessment tool within BREEAM projects. To use the engine to calculate the HEPR for a home, you need to register a project on BREEEAM projects and upload the relevant files listed in the ‘Methodology’ section of the ‘Energy and Cost’ assessment issue. The engine is not currently available via the pre-assessment tool. There is also an excel tool (HQM-2015-Beta-Energy-forecast-and-cost-IE-Pr-70-0201-.xltx) that is used in combination with the HQM energy engine when credits are sought via the comprehensive route in the ‘Energy and Cost’ assessment issue. This tool is available in BREEAM projects, under ‘Home Quality Mark 2015 Beta Assessment Tools’.

LZC technologies – planning conditions and restrictions - KBCN0535

Where a mandatory planning condition exists (eg to attach to a District Heating Scheme), this will clearly affect the number of options available in a feasibility study. In such cases, compliance can still be achieved where evidence on the planning condition restrictions is provided, and it is clarified how this excludes other technologies from being considered. The feasibility study will still need to be carried out to cover the remaining energy needs of the building (eg Electrical and lighting load in the case of a district heating scheme).  

Wine coolers - KBCN0374

Wine coolers fall outside of the scope of this issue therefore do not need to meet the criteria for fridges. HQM - this means they do not need to be included in HQM's Energy Forecast and Cost bolt-on reporting tool.
Information correct as of 3rdJanuary 2025. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.