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08 Security
Information correct as of 21stDecember 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.
Designing out crime officer (DOCO) - KBCN000005
As stated in the ‘Secured by Design (SBD) New Homes 2014 Application and Checklist’ form, the Crime Prevention Design Adviser (CPDA) or Architectural Liaison Officer (ALO) has been renamed to Designing Out Crime Officer (DOCO) therefore correspondence or a copy of the report/feedback from the DOCO is acceptable as evidence for this issue.
Recommendations made by a SQSS - KBCN0982
Where a facility or function (required by the design brief, local authority and other parts of HQM) increases the security risk, the recommendations from a SQSS should seek to reduce the security risk but without significantly diminishing the facility or function. There shall be no recommendation to remove a facility or function.
e.g. if an allotment forms part of the design brief, the SQSS should not recommend it is removed or significantly diminished on the basis that it may be a security risk. They should instead make recommendations to improve the security of the allotment.
SABRE Registered Professional as a Suitably Qualified Security Specialist (SQSS) - KBCN1375
A SABRE registered professional that meets the requirements outlined in the ‘SQSS’ definition is deemed to be an SQSS for the purposes of HQM.
A full list of SABRE registered professionals can be found here:
Secured By Design certificates - KBCN1392
A SBD Gold or Silver certificate may be used as evidence that security measures incorporated in the dwelling/s are 3rd party certificated. However, an SBD Gold or Silver certificate on its own is not sufficient to award credits in this issue.
This is because a documented Security Needs Assessment (SNA) provides evidence that the security measures recommended for incorporation into the development mitigate the site specific risks in a proportionate and well-designed manner.
Security needs assessment (SNA) – Formal consultation with relevant stakeholders - KBCN1470
Providing the SQSS can provide evidence of reasonable attempts to obtain feedback from relevant stakeholders, this aspect of the SNA requirements will be satisfied.
In the event that a relevant stakeholder does not provide a response when consulted (e.g. if they do not respond following a reasonable period, or they confirm that are unable to deal with the enquiry), it would be expected that SQSS consider alternative sources of information. For example, the SQSS may decide to refer to freely-available crime data on the
Police UK website, and include a summary or analysis of this in their SNA.
13 Sep 2021 Applicability to HQM confirmed
Information correct as of 21stDecember 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.