Refurbishment and Fit Out / International / 2015 / 03 - Energy /

ENE 01 - Reduction of Energy Use and Carbon Emissions

Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Additional services in the refurbishment and fit-out project - KBCN1434

Where additional services are provided in the refurbished building compared to the existing building, the BREEAM Projects tool is unable to assess the improvement in that service as there is no baseline against which to assess the improvement against. In these instances, the services entered for the refurbished building should be the same as for the existing building. For example, if mechanical ventilation and cooling are added in the refurbished building, in BREEAM Projects select the same services for the refurbished building as for the existing building so that the calculation ignores the mechanical ventilation and cooling “improvements”. For projects that provide a first fit-out and there are no existing building services to compare to, the information for the existing systems in BREEAM Projects should be based on the minimum requirements of the relevant regulations.
09/02/2021: Clarification added on first fit-outs
09/04/2021: Removed applicability to UK RFO 2014

Calculating U-values for buildings with extension(s) - KBCN1000

In line with CN ‘Extensions to existing buildings and newly constructed thermal elements’, the performance of the baseline for new thermal elements should be based upon compliance with the appropriate local or national Building Regulations for new thermal elements. When completing the Elemental level energy model, the existing building U-values for the thermal elements should be calculated as the area-weighted average of the relevant thermal element (e.g, external wall, roof, glazing or ground floor area), excluding any area that is removed to accommodate the extension, and that of the extension, built to meet the local minimum building performance standards. The U-values for thermal elements of the refurbished building should be calculated as the area-weighted average of the relevant thermal element for refurbished building, including the extension. This applies when assessing against the 'Elemental level energy model' option.  

Elemental U-values for assessments against Parts 2 and 3 - KBCN1011

Where Part 1 is not being assessed, improvements to the performance building fabric cannot be recognised, whether these be designed or consequential. In order to fully recognise the services efficiency improvements, however, where changes to the building fabric have been made, the post-refurbishment elemental U-values should be used for both pre-and post-refurbishment. Where a project seeks recognition of improvements to the performance of the building fabric, this must be assessed against Part 1.

Ene 01 Assessment - KBCN0985

For the assessment of the twelve standard credits under Ene 01 in International Refurbishment and Fit-Out 2015, the elemental level energy model is the only assessment route available to demonstrate compliance. Compliance Note CN3 'Approved Building Energy Calculation Software' has been included within the International Refurbishment and Fit-Out manual in error and should be disregarded.
Technical manual to be amended in the next re-issue.
15/01/2021: Clarification added

Energy consumption and carbon emissions of untreated spaces - KBCN00049

Where the assessment contains a mix of treated and untreated spaces, untreated spaces can be excluded and the performance based on the treated spaces only. Where the entire assessment is untreated, the whole of the structure(s) must be assessed on the basis that this issue is critical for certification. BREEAM is primarily designed to assess permanent, treated and occupied structures. Untreated structures are unlikely to gain many credits when being assessed.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Energy modelling a change of use project - KBCN0574

The energy model for the existing building in a change of use project should include the physical characteristics of the existing building but with the use class of the proposed refurbished building to enable a comparison to be made between the performances of the two buildings. Moreover, the existing building energy model needs to include the existing services as they were before the refurbishment. Where a particular system to be installed in the refurbished building is not present in the existing building, then the baseline system needs to meet the minimum requirements required to pass building regulations for it.
22/02/2017 Added content clarifying building services

Energy performance assessment for part of a whole building - KBCN0596

If the assessment is only covering part of a whole building, the energy performance assessment must be representative of the part of the building being assessed. Simply taking the energy performance assessment of the whole building would not therefore comply, especially if the non-assessed parts of the building were of a different use. A separate energy assessment of the part of the building is likely to be required. The energy performance assessment must be representative of the parts of the building being assessed. This also applies to the predicted energy performance and all energy modelling for the prediction of operation energy consumption. 
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
Amended 01/09/2020 to cover UKNC2018 - Prediction of operational energy consumption

Erratum: Minimum requirements for an Excellent or Outstanding rating - KBCN1486

The minimum requirements for Excellent and Outstanding ratings in table 26 are incorrect. Please, instead, refer to table 5 in the Minimum Standards section of the manual. For example, to meet the minimum requirement for an Outstanding rating when assessing all 4 parts, 10 out of 12 credits are needed, which equates to 83.33% of the maximum score. The same 83.33% is required, regardless of the number of credits available.  

External wall area – inclusion of doors - KBCN00088

21/12/17  Previous guidance removed. Please refer to the relevant building energy modelling software guidance.

Historic buildings – maximum credits available - KBCN1353

The number of additional credits for historic buildings that can be awarded is capped by the number of energy performance credits available for the assessment, as determined by the Ene 01 assessment option and, for Option 2, the Parts that are being assessed. For example, for a Part 1&2 assessment using Option 2, the number of credits available for energy performance might be 8, so if it scores 7 energy performance credits, it can only benefit from 1 additional credit by meeting the historic buildings criteria The additional credits are intended to recognise cases where the building's performance against the Ene 01 criteria is limited by its historic building status.
17 01 22 Wording updated to clarify

International suitably qualified professionals - KBCN1266

In some issues the International NC and RFO schemes prescribe specific requirements for suitably qualified professionals. We appreciate that some countries might have different recognition schemes in place, and these might differ from the BREEAM requirements. Where this is the case, assessors should submit a technical query with appropriate information, and we will review and approve each situation on a country basis.

Internationally approved Ene 01 calculation software - KBCN1177

The following calculation software are approved internationally and can be used, provided local weather files are available in the country of the assessment. Please make sure the approved version, in brackets, is used. If you wish to use a different one, please submit a technical query to [email protected] providing details of the changes. Any software that has been approved on the ASWL for a particular country can be used in other countries, provided relevant weather files are available.
26-Mar-2024 - Scheme applicability updated.
08-Aug-2022 - Applicability to BREEAM Communities 2012 confirmed.
30-Jun-2023 - Added note relating to software approved for a particular country.

LZC – Local regulations and private wire arrangements - KBCN1658

Where local regulations do not permit electricity generated by on-site renewables to be connected directly to the building, and where evidence of the relevant regulations is provided at QA, the requirement for a private wire arrangement can be waived.

LZC technologies – energy centre or other LZCs connected at a later stage - KBCN0267

If a project specifies LZCs that have been proposed in the feasibility report which reduce emissions, and/or will be connected to a site-wide energy centre operational at a later stage of the phased development, after the Post Construction Stage review has been submitted, the Energy and Pollution issues can be assessed as follows: In a phased development where the primary heating system will be upgraded at a later stage than the building being assessed, a commitment to install the new heating source must be made in the General Contract Specification (as per the BREEAM requirements). BREEAM does not specify a particular time for phasing as it is difficult to set parameters, however as a rule building users should have to wait the least time possible before they can use the upgraded heating source. For the quality audit, two Energy model outputs/EPCs must be produced at the final stage - one with the actual interim system installed for building control, and one for the BREEAM assessment which can include the predicted energy from the proposed energy centre.  Additionally, the legally binding general contract specification for the new heating source must be submitted with details of the timescales proposed for the completion of the second phase of work. Where this approach is to be followed BREEAM must be consulted in each case to ensure that the arrangements are sufficiently robust to award the credits. BREEAM seeks to recognise the environmental impacts of a building's energy use throughout its life, therefore temporary arrangements can be accommodated, provided there is robust evidence on future connection to the permanent systems.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

On-site LZC – whole site shared connection - KBCN1424

To be recognised in BREEAM, the on-site Low and Zero Carbon (LZC) technology must have a direct physical connection to the assessed asset. OR Where the LZC technology is; It is acceptable to allocate the renewable energy generated proportionally as a calculation of the asset's predicted energy consumption compared to the total energy consumption of the whole site. To allocate renewable electricity by proportional consumption: Where consumption data is missing, renewable electricity must not be allocated to the assessed asset. In this case, it is assumed that all electricity consumed is sourced from the grid.
17-Jan-2024 - Applicability BIU V6 Ene 13 removed, as this approach is not applicable to assessing the area of PV fitted.
21-Dec-2022 - Applicability to In-Use V6 confirmed.
24-Aug-2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed.

Services efficiency improvements in assessments against Part 1 only - KBCN1144

Where Parts 2 or 3 are not being assessed, improvements to the performance of the building services cannot be recognised, whether these be designed or consequential. In order to fully recognise the fabric efficiency improvements, however, where changes to the building services have been made, the post-refurbishment services performance values should be used for both pre-and post-refurbishment. Where a project seeks recognition of improvements to the performance of the building services, this must be assessed against Part 2 or 3.

Total area of ground floor - KBCN00087

When determining the 'total area of ground floor (m2)', the Gross Floor Area (GFA) should be used, which includes the thickness of the external walls. This is to align with Construction industry understanding.
Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.