New Construction / UK / 2018 / 02 Health and Wellbeing /
Hea 07 - Safe and healthy surroundings
Information correct as of 13thOctober 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.
Cyclist safe access - KBCN0188
Safe access for cyclists must be via a compliant cycle lane, unless it is demonstrated that it would be impractical to cycle for a short distance between the site entrance and cycle storage. For example, where a gate, door or barrier forces the cyclist to dismount and walk for a short distance to access the cycle storage and it would be impractical for cyclists to re-mount
Where it is not practical to provide compliant cycle lane from the entrance to the cycle storage, the safety of cyclists and pedestrians must be maintained.
1. The intent is that this be a short distance, over which cyclists would typically not choose to re-mount and is anticipated to be no greater than 10m. In order to be considered compliant for greater distances, evidence must be provided of effective additional physical measures to deter cyclists from re-mounting.
29/09/2021 - Additional note (1) added to provide further clarification of the intent
21/02/2020 Re-worded to clarify the intent
02 Jul 2021 - Applicability to UK NC2018 confirmed
Dedicated cycle lanes/paths - KBCN1384
The term 'dedicated' is not intended to preclude cycle routes which are shared with pedestrians or vehicles. The assessor may deem such arrangements compliant, provided that they meet the requirements of the approved external guidance referred to in the criteria.
Outdoor space – shared with other buildings - KBCN1045
Where a building has existing external space, or will be developing new external space, that is or will be shared with other buildings, this can be deemed acceptable if the space meets the definition of ‘Outside space’ and is of a size able to cater for the building users of all the associated buildings.
Outside space – Appropriate seating areas - KBCN1509
For fully-fitted assessments, where the end-user is known, a compliant outside space must have suitable outdoor furniture installed . However, where justified by the design team, for shell only, shell and core and all speculative assessments, it is sufficient to provide evidence that an appropriate 'seating area' is provided including any associated hard landscaping, along with design drawings showing a suggested arrangement and type of furniture.
The installation of outdoor furniture at an incomplete and unoccupied building could lead to security issues and attract antisocial behaviour.
03/05/21 Wording amended to clarify the level of detail required for the future fit-out.
Outside space – Public realm - KBCN1508
As per the definition, compliant outside space must be non-smoking. This requirement precludes compliance for areas within the public realm, where a non-smoking policy would be unenforceable.
Restricted movement within a secure perimeter - KBCN000009
Where the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles is tightly controlled within a secure perimeter due to security considerations, these areas do not need to strictly meet the safe access criteria. However, justification and evidence provided by an appropriate member of the project team must demonstrate how the layout, measures and secure nature of the site result in a safe environment for cyclists, pedestrians, and vehicle access, in line with intent of each criterion.
Where a criterion is not applicable due to the secure nature of the site, this should be noted and justified in the assessment report.
Previous guidance - superseded on 24 May 2024*
Where the movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles is tightly controlled within a secure perimeter due to security considerations, these areas may be excluded from the safe access criteria. Where the whole assessment is within such a zone, the credit may be awarded by default.
24 May 2024 - New guidance introduced to ensure that safe pedestrian, cycle and vehicle movement is considered, even on secure sites with restricted movement.
* As this is a significant change, for any registered assessments where the assessor demonstrates that they have already advised the project team based on the previous guidance, the assessment can continue on that basis.
08 Jun 2022 Applicability to UK NC2018 confirmed
Safe access – vehicle delivery routes - KBCN1046
Vehicle delivery routes which cross cycle or pedestrian routes may be acceptable provided there are adequate physical control measures in place to ensure safe access and thus minimise the possibility of delivery vehicles coming into conflict with cyclists and pedestrians.
Examples of such measures could be vehicle barriers or retractable vehicle bollards, which only allow access to delivery vehicles when required and whose operation and controls account for cycle and pedestrian movements.
18 Mar 2021 wording clarified
07.06.2018 Intent and wording clarified.
Information correct as of 13thOctober 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.