New Construction / UK / 2018 / 03 Energy /
Ene 06 - Energy efficient transportation systems
Information correct as of 8thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.
Escalators or moving walks – variable speed drive - KBCN1621
The requirements refer to 'a load sensing device that synchronises motor output to passenger demand through a variable speed drive'.
The intent is that the inverter must operate full-time to moderate output based on passenger demand.
Lifts with speeds 0.15m/s or less - KBCN1146
Lifts with speeds 0.15m/s or less fall outside the scope of ISO 25745 and can, therefore, be excluded from the assessment of this Issue. This applies, for example, to lifts in single dwellings or those installed in other low-rise buildings, specifically for the use of persons with impaired mobility.
Only lifts in building are for persons with impaired mobility - KBCN1330
Where the only lifts, escalators or moving walkways in the assessed development are for persons with imparied mobility with speeds no greater than 0.15m/s, and there are no lifts which fall within the scope of the criteria, the Issue should be filtered out of the assessment. Credits cannot be awarded by default.
Regenerative drives – requirement for specification - KBCN1253
Requirements for the specification of a regenerative drive for lift installations are subject to an analysis of resultant energy savings. However, where it can be demonstrated that this is not financially viable, accounting for payback over the service life of the installation, this option can be discounted.
Please also refer to other scheme-specific guidance relating to this requirement.
Scope of the criteria for lifts – Small service lifts (dumbwaiters) - KBCN1589
Small service lifts, of the type typically used to transport prepared food and crockery in restaurants (sometimes referred to as 'dumbwaiters'), fall outside the scope of this assessment issue.
Transportation analysis carried out by the lift manufacturer - KBCN0232
BREEAM recognises that lift manufacturers / suppliers are often engaged to provide such specialist advice. Where the assessor is satisfied that the analysis has been carried out correctly, the analysis can be submitted as compliant evidence.
Information correct as of 8thJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.