New Construction / UK / 2018 / 07 Waste /

Wst 02 - Use of recycled and sustainably sourced aggregates

Information correct as of 26thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Apportioning foundations where not all floors are assessed - KBCN0643

Where a development does not include all the storeys of a building, not all of the aggregates used in the building foundations need to be included in the assessment.  Any apportioning must be justified and calculated by a structural engineer, and it is the responsibility of the assessor to ensure that the process used is appropriate, robust and meets the aim of the credit issue.

Recycled and sustainably sourced aggregate – Compliance prior to contractor’s appointment - KBCN1097

If the contractor has not been appointed at the time of submitting the Design Stage assessment and, as a result, there is insufficient information available to complete the Wst 02 Calculator Tool, this should be clarified in the Assessment Report. The following documentary evidence from the design team must also be provided: BREEAM does not seek to restrict the contractor’s ability to source the most economically viable recycled or sustainably sourced aggregate.
12 05 2022 Wording amended to improve clarity

Information correct as of 26thDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.