Alternative format
Newer weather files, or alternative weather file formats not listed in the manuals can be used instead of those referenced in the manual, if they achieve the aim of the credit.
These alternative files must be based on climate projections with equal or higher temperatures than those specified in the relevant criteria, setting an equally or more robust standard for overheating.
The alternative weather files must include same variables as the specified weather files for each hour of the year e.g.:
– Dry bulb & wet bulb temperature,
– Wind speed & direction,
– Solar altitude & azimuth,
– Cloud cover etc.
The assessor or design team must verify this and ensure that meeting the BREEAM criteria does not become easier by using the alternative weather file.
Alternative location
Where the weather file for the nearest location for the project is not representative of the actual location’s climatic conditions, the project team can use the weather file from another nearby location which is more representative.
This can take account of the climatic influences of altitude, prevailing wind, proximity to climate-moderating features, or heat island effect.
18-Dec-2024 - Merged with KBCN1013. Scheme applicability updated.