For all assessments other than Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM In Use you should find your assessment using BREEAM Projects rather than the BREEAM extranet as this will automatically provide the correct route for submitting an assessment.
There are three ways to submit assessments for QA and certification directly on BREEAM Projects.
1 – Full online reporting functionality
For newer scheme versions you can use the full functionality of BREEAM Projects as your assessment reporting tool. The versions that have use of the full functionality are as follows:
- BREEAM UK New Construction (2014 & 2018) – excluding Simple Buildings and Bespoke developed criteria assessments
- BREEAM International New Construction (2016) – excluding Bespoke developed criteria assessments
- BREEAM UK Refurbishment & Fit-Out (2014) – excluding Bespoke developed criteria assessments
- BREEAM International Refurbishment & Fit-Out (2014) – excluding Bespoke developed criteria assessments
- BREEAM UK Domestic Refurbishment (2012 & 2014)
- Home Quality Mark (2015 Beta & HQM ONE)
- BREEAM Infrastructure New Construction (2015)
2 – Using BREEAM Projects reporting tool as an upload tool for Scoring and Reporting tool and evidence
For older, legacy schemes it is possible to submit your assessment using BREEAM projects as an upload tool (instead of using the extranet upload) where the assessment has been completed using an MS Excel scoring and reporting tool. It is not necessary to use the BREEAM extranet upload form for the scheme versions detailed below.
Scoring & Reporting tool upload functionality:
- BREEAM UK New Construction (2011, 2014 & 2018) – excluding Simple Buildings and Bespoke developed criteria assessments
- BREEAM UK New Construction (2008) – all standard types, excluding Bespoke developed criteria, Fire Stations, Multi-Residential, Visitor Centres and Whitbread Premier Inn
- BREEAM International New Construction (2009, 2010 & 2013) – excluding Bespoke developed criteria assessments
For any of the above types please see KBCN1184 – How to submit on BREEAM Projects using a Scoring and Reporting tool upload
3 – Basic upload form
For all the older schemes and the exceptions above (Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM In-Use) you should use BREEAM Projects to submit your assessment and evidence rather than using the BREEAM extranet upload form.
BREEAM Projects will show ‘Submit BREEAM Report/QA Evidence’ for any of the types listed below and a form similar to the BREEAM extranet form will open but with many details automatically completed.
Basic upload form schemes, types and versions:
- BREEAM Communities
- BREEAM UK NC Simple Buildings
- BREEAM Bespoke Developed Criteria Projects – UK & International (NC & RFO)
- BREEAM Data Centres 2010
- BREEAM UK NC Fire Stations, Multi-Residential, Visitor Centres and Whitbread Premier Inn 2008 versions
- EcoHomes
- NSO BREEAM Schemes
- All Pre-2008 BREEAM Schemes
For any of the above types please see KBCN1185 – How to submit on BREEAM Projects using the upload form.