This KBCN is now superseded. Please refer to KBCN0216
KBCN withdrawn. This KBCN is suspended, pending technical review. When undertaking a similar buildings assessment, compliance must be based on the worst-performing unit for Issue Ene 01 as stated below and in the technical manuals. The area-weighted approach may only be used where multiple buildings falling under the same building type, which require separate energy models are operating as a single entity with a single occupier, such as a school. For building types other than schools, should you consider there is justification to apply the area-weighted approach, please seek advice from BRE by submitting a technical query. Superseded content: Where the assessment is using the Similar Buildings approach as outlined in GN10, compliance under Ene 01 must be based on the worst performing unit. In the Assessment Scoring & Reporting (S&R) tool the value entered for building floor area can be the combined area of the buildings assessed rather than just the area of the worst case building, as this shouldn’t affect the calculation of the Ene 01 score. In certain situations, a single assessment with multiple energy models may not follow the Similar Buildings approach as this would unreasonably impact the overall performance. An example of this could be a school assessment with a separate sports hall included in the same assessment. In these cases, the methodology below applies: 1. For each energy model, input the notional and actual performance figures into the scoring and reporting tool to determine individual EPRs. 2. Manually area-weight each individual EPR to calculate an area-weighted average EPR for the assessment. 3. Use table 25 in the NC 2014 manual, Ene 01, to determine the number of credits awarded. We will provide an amended S&R tool which will have the relevant cell unlocked to allow the number of credits to be manually inputted. In terms of evidence for QA, we would require screenshots of the S&R EPR outputs for each building and a copy of the area weighting calculation. Please seek advice from the BRE if in doubt on which methodology applies to your project.
15/02/2018 KBCN Suspended and clarification note added pending review and publication of further guidance. 04/06/2018 KBCN No longer applicable. Reference to GN10 v1.0 added. 31/10/2018 Re-formatted for clarity and reference to GN10 removed from superseded content to avoid confusion.