Recyclable, general and organic waste storage – space, labelling and segregation

Strategies may vary according to the specifics of each project, their waste streams and collection arrangements.

  • Any reference to ‘labelling’ refers to permanent markings or fixed, robust and weatherproof signage.
  • Colour coding of bins to identify waste streams is not in itself compliant labelling.

The aim of these requirements is to encourage recycling, ensuring that it is correctly sorted and to prevent cross-contamination of waste streams.

Label the recycling area
This is required to alert building users and collection agencies to the location of the recycling facility.

Label each recyclable waste stream
This can be done by labelling the bins or their dedicated space within the recycling facility, or both. Mixed recycling bins and / or spaces are clearly labelled with their constituent waste streams.

General or organic waste have their own dedicated spaces
Sufficient space for general and, where relevant, organic waste is required in addition to meeting the requirements for recyclable waste. This does not have to be within a separate facility, but if combined with recyclable waste storage, there is greater risk of cross-contamination. The following requirements apply in this situation:

  • For organic waste, see also additional hygiene-related requirements within the technical manual.
  • In line with the requirement for the recycling area to be clearly labelled, general or organic waste must be stored in labelled bins and in a labelled, dedicated space within the combined waste facility.

If provision of waste bins is out of scope
Where the provision of waste bins is outside the scope of the developer, it is clearly not possible to label the bins. In this situation, the following compliance options are available:

  • Provide compliant signage to the storage area and label bin spaces within the storage area according to the relevant waste streams.
  • Where future waste streams are unknown, provide compliant signage to the storage area and a written commitment from the developer to ensure that the bins and/or bin spaces are labelled.
21-May-2024 - Link to KBCN0696 removed. Merged with KBCN1380. Minor clarification added on mixed recycling.