The term, ‘car sharing group’, as a sustainable transport measure, may be interpreted differently. For the purposes of the BREEAM Standards, therefore, the following additional guidance should be applied, to support assessors’ understanding of the criteria, when determining compliance.
The aim of this measure is that the asset’s management establishes, promotes and administers a process which encourages building users to share private car journeys to and from work, thus reducing the number of cars used for this purpose.
A car sharing group will, generally:
- Be available to all building users who normally travel to work by private car
A car sharing group is not:
- A vehicle hire/loan scheme
- Intended to offset journeys which would otherwise have been made by public transport or active travel modes (e.g. walking or cycling)
The criteria do not prescribe what terms and conditions should be implemented and, whilst the above principles should generally be followed, specific arrangements may vary.
However, evidence and justification must always be provided to demonstrate that the above ‘Aim’ is met.