This Criteria Appendix has been developed for developments such as car showrooms which incorporate both retail and industrial areas. The appendix clarifies, for specific BREEAM issues, which criteria are applicable to each area of the assessment. This should be read in conjunction with the relevant scheme version of the BREEAM UK technical manual. This is applicable to BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 and 2018 and BREEAM UK RFO 2014.
Such assessments should be registered against the ‘Retail’ building type and the Appendix will soon be available for download in the guidance for ‘Retail’ assessments for each relevant scheme on BREEAM Projects.
In the meantime, the Criteria Appendix can be requested by emailing [email protected].
22/05/2018 The title of this appendix has been changed and additional information provided. This includes removal of the specific reference to 'Car Showrooms' in order to clarify that this approach can be applied to other similar retail developments, which include industrial servicing areas.