The compliance note regarding industrial and retail areas incorrectly suggests that the minimising sources of air pollution credits are not applicable to retail areas with no associated offices. These credits do apply to retail sales areas, although they are excluded for operational areas in industrial buildings.
The ‘potential for natural ventilation’ credit is not applicable for retail sales areas, as it applies only to office areas. Therefore, where a retail building does not contain any office, this credit is not applicable.
While the requirements apply to permanently or semi-permanently occupied offices, small admin areas, which are only used occasionally can be excluded.
This also applies to shell only and shell and core new build projects, where it can be demonstrated that no office spaces will be provided as part of the fit-out.
The online tool will award the credit by default in both issue 1.0 of the INC 2016 scheme and up to issue 1.4 of the IRFO 2015 scheme. When assessing against INC 2016 2.0 and V6, the online tool will instead filter this credit out.
22-Oct-2022 Title amended to align with standard KBCN naming format for clarity and consistency. Made applicable to International NC V6. 11-Sep-2018 Clarification added in relation to spaces that are used occasionally, and shell only/shell and core new build projects. 15-Sep-2017 Clarification added on the procedure for making the 'potential for natural ventilation' credit N/A on the online tool. Technical manual to be updated accordingly in next re-issue.