For security sensitive assessments, all technical queries, QA submissions and QA enquiries can be sent to [email protected]. Only appropriately cleared staff have access to this inbox and work on security sensitive projects.
When registering your security sensitive project, there is an option to mark the project ‘confidential’. This means that no information will be listed on our Greenbook Live public listings page once the project has been certified.
In exceptional circumstances it may be possible for an auditor to carry out QA of an assessment at the client’s office or another location agreed with BRE Global, the assessor company and the client. Additional fees will apply and it may not always be possible to accommodate this request.
Please send an email to [email protected] marked for the attention of the Certification Manager if you wish to discuss this option.
For further guidance on our general approach to confidentiality, and the type of projects that may be considered ‘security sensitive’ please see KBCN1625.
20-Oct-2023 - Link to secure inbox and UK security vetting updated. Title aligned with, and link created to KBCN1625.