New Construction / UK / 2018 / 00 Errata /

1.2 Errata

Information correct as of 26thJuly 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Erratum – Criterion 8 – ‘No net loss’ - KBCN1210

In Criterion 8 of this issue, the wording, 'No net loss of ecological value' should read, 'No overall loss of ecological value'. This corresponds to the definition of 'No overall loss' provided in the guidance for this Issue.
Technical manual to be updated accordingly in next reissue.

Erratum – UK NC2018 LE 05 – criterion 6 - KBCN1189

Criterion 6 should not have been included in the Planning, liaison, data, monitoring and review management and maintenance credit. Instead it is a requirement of the below credit as follows;

One credit - Landscape and ecology management plan (or similar) development

6. Landscape and ecology management plan, or equivalent, is developed in accordance with BS 42020:2013 Section 11.11 covering as a minimum the first five years after project completion and includes:

6.a: Actions and responsibilities, prior to handover, to give to relevant individuals

6.b: The ecological value and condition of the site over the development life.

6.c: Identification of opportunities for ongoing alignment with activities external to the development project and which supports the aims of BREEAM's Strategic Ecology Framework

6.d: Identification and guidance to trigger appropriate remedial actions to address previously unforeseen impacts

6.e: Clearly defined and allocated roles and responsibilities.

7. The landscape and management plan or similar is updated as appropriate to support maintenance of the ecological value of the site.

Please follow these criteria instead of what is written in the BREEAM UK NC 2018 Manual

Erratum – up to v1.2 – timing of pre-requisite – indoor air quality plan - KBCN1206

In Issues 1.0 and 1.2 of the technical manual, the prerequisite requires the Indoor air quality plan to be produced no later than the end of Concept Design.  Clarification of the requirements in Hea 02: The prerequisite currently states: ‘1. A site-specific indoor air quality plan has been produced and implemented in accordance with the guidance in Guidance Note GN06. The plan must be produced no later than the end of Concept Design. The objective of the plan is to facilitate a process that leads to design, specification and installation decisions and actions that minimise indoor air pollution during occupation of the building…’ Clarified criterion: ‘1 A site-specific indoor air quality plan has been produced and implemented in accordance with the guidance in Guidance Note GN06. The objective of the plan is to facilitate a process that leads to design, specification and installation decisions and actions, which minimise indoor air pollution during occupation of the building…:’
12-Oct-2022 Title amended for clarity.
This will be confirmed in the next re-issue of the technical manual, but can be applied immediately in all issues of the UK NC2018 scheme.

Greenfield/Brownfield site – Definition - KBCN1259

For the purposes of this Issue, the following definitions apply: Greenfield site A site which has never been built on, includes minimal development or which has been substantially cleared of all buildings and associated fixed surface infrastructure* and has subsequently remained undisturbed for five years or more. * Typically, the site includes less than 5% residual development by area. This supersedes the definition of 'Greenfield' for this Issue in the technical manual. Brownfield site Any site which does not fall within the above definition of 'Greenfield site'  

Manual errata – up to V6 – prediction of operational energy consumption and minimum standards - KBCN1602

The technical manual refers to ‘4 credits for prediction of operational energy consumption’ as one of the requirements for achieving either Excellent or Outstanding minimum standards. This reference to 4 credits is incorrect, and will be removed in a future update. This is to make it clear that the requirement for Simple Buildings is for achieving the 'Prediction of operational energy consumption' criteria, not achieving four credits.
08-Nov-2023 - Title updated. Wording clarified.
26-Jun-2023 - This errata KBCN separated from KBCN1336.

Pol 02 benchmarks – Oil-fired boilers - KBCN1208

It has come to our attention that there is an error in Table 12.4 in Pol 02, relating to the NOx emission benchmarks for oil-fired boilers. The table below confirms the correct benchmarks.  
Appliance type and unit Fuel 1 credit (Low pollution location) 1 credit (High pollution location) 2 credits (Low pollution location) 2 credits (High pollution location)
Boiler (mg/kWh) Oil 56 73 56 55 67 50
This will be confirmed in the next re-issue of the technical manual, but can be applied immediately in all issues of the UK NC2018 scheme.

Preliminary design workshop – RIBA stage requirement - KBCN1207

In Issues 1.0 and 1.2 of the technical manual, Criterion 2 appears under the heading 'Prerequisite' and must be completed prior to the end of ‘Concept Design’ stage. Clarification of the requirements in Ene 01: The prerequisite currently states: ‘2. Prior to completion of the Concept Design, relevant members of the design team hold a preliminary design workshop focusing on operational energy performance.’ Clarified criterion (superfluous reference to 'Prerequisite' removed): ‘2. Involve relevant members of the design team in an energy design workshop, focusing on operational energy performance (see Methodology).'
This will be confirmed in the next re-issue of the technical manual, but can be applied immediately in all issues of the UK NC2018 scheme.

Proposed development – definition for use in assessment - KBCN1255

The correct definition to use for the assessment of LE01 is 'Proposed development'. The definition of 'Development footprint' will be removed and Criterion 1 clarified in the next re-issue of the technical manual.

Robust Details – Testing requirements - KBCN1251

For self-contained dwellings, which form part of a Multi-residential assessment, compliance can be demonstrated where the use of constructions for all relevant building elements have been registered with and assessed and approved by Robust Details Limited (RDL) and found to achieve the performance standards required for the number of credits sought. Robust Details (RDs) are construction solutions that provide an alternative to pre-completion sound insulation testing as a method of complying with Requirements E1 of Approved Document E (2003 Edition) of the Building Regulations (England and Wales), DOE Technical Booklet G - Sound 2012 (Northern Ireland) and Technical Handbook Section 5 - Noise, 2013 (Scotland). The relevant plots on a development must be registered with RDL and built in accordance with the RD specification. To give a reasonable level of assurance that these details will achieve the required minimum standards, RDL carry out random inspections during construction and random sound insulation tests after construction. A Robust Detail is deemed to be approved for BREEAM (Multi-residential building) credits only when it achieves a specified performance level as assessed by RDL. Robust Details can only be used in relation to assessment for new build dwellings and cannot be used to assess the performance of construction details in rooms for residential purposes or material change of use.

Table 7.3 AI and number of points achieved - KBCN1362

The header for the table should read: Therefore, please ignore the text in the second column “(urban centre)”. For example, a project with an AI of 30 that achieves 4 points for implementing options in Table 7.4 would be awarded 6 credits.

Tra 01 and Tra 02 – Prerequisite and RIBA stage requirements - KBCN1205

In Issues 1.0 and 1.2 of the technical manual, the criteria state that achieving the credits in Tra 01 is a prerequisite to awarding credits for Tra 02. In order to clarify the intent, there is a need to distinguish between the following: The requirement to undertake an early-stage ‘transport assessment’ remains as a criterion to award any credits for Issue Tra 01, however it has now been clarified that this does not form part of the prerequisite for awarding credits in Tra 02. The prerequisite to achieve credits in Tra 02 relates to the requirement to develop a ‘travel plan’ at an appropriate stage in the development, which informs decisions relating to the sustainable transport measures implemented in Tra 02. Clarification of the requirements in Tra 01 and Tra 02: Tra 01, Criterion 1 This currently states: ‘1. During the feasibility and design stages, develop a travel plan based on a site-specific travel assessment or statement.’ Clarified criterion: ‘1. No later than Concept Design stage, undertake a site-specific transport assessment (or statement) and draft travel plan, which can demonstrably be used to influence the site layout and built form; see Methodology.’ Tra 01, Criterion 3 This currently states: ‘3. The travel plan includes proposals to increase or improve sustainable modes of transport and movement of people and goods during the building's operation and use; see Methodology.’ Clarified criterion: ‘3. Following a transport assessment (in accordance with the requirements set out in criteria 2a-2g) develop a site-specific travel plan, that provides a long term management strategy which encourages more sustainable travel. The travel plan includes measures to increase or improve more sustainable modes of transport and movement of people and goods during the building's operation; see Methodology.’ Tra 02, Prerequisite This currently states: ‘1. Achieve the Tra 01 Transport assessment and travel plan credits.’ Clarified criterion: ‘1. Achieve criteria 3-5 in the Tra 01 Transport assessment and travel plan Issue’
This will be confirmed in the next reissue of the technical manual, but the tool has been updated on BREEAM Projects and this can be applied immediately in all versions of the UK NC2018 scheme.

Information correct as of 26thJuly 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.