New Construction / UK / V6 /

03 Energy

Information correct as of 22ndJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Accredited energy assessors – directories - KBCN1465

The directory of accredited energy assessors has moved. For England, Wales and Northern Ireland, accredited energy assessors can be found here: For Scotland, accredited energy assessors can be found here: This will be updated in future manual re-issues.
24 Aug 2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Calculating EPR where there are multiple BRUKL/NCM outputs - KBCN1618

Where more than one NCM output is produced for a development that is registered as a single assessment, an area-weighted average must be used to calculate the number of credits to be awarded. This does not apply where the ‘similar buildings’ approach is used. Projects in England assessed under UKNC V6.0 should submit their BRUKL files to BREEAM and we will calculate the result. Projects assessed under UKNC V6.1 can upload multiple BRUKL.inp files for a single assessment and the platform will perform the calculation.   For projects assessed under BREEAM UK NC2018 and International NC 2013, 2016 and V6, please refer to KBCN1083

Centralised air handling units (AHU) - KBCN0941

The requirements of the: do not apply to centralised AHUs, where it is not technically feasible to sub-meter energy use by separate functional, tenanted or floor areas. The credit(s) will be assessed based on the remaining applicable energy uses.
06-Mar-2024 - Scheme applicability extended to V6.

Combined sub-metering – electric space / water heating and small power - KBCN00068

For bedrooms and associated spaces in: It is acceptable for an electric space or water heating system to be combined with lighting and small power, provided that sub-metering is provided for each floor plate or other appropriate sub-division. For these asset types, sub-metering electric heating in multiple bedrooms may be costly and technically challenging. Where occupants have individual control but are not responsible for paying the utility bills, the building manager may have little influence on their energy consumption. Therefore, sub-metering electric heating would provide little or no benefit in meeting the aim of the issue.
06-Mar-2024 - Scheme applicability extended to V6. 
15-Dec-2023 - Title updated to clarify that this approach can be applied to both space heating and domestic hot water heating, where appropriate.

Energy consumption and carbon emissions of untreated spaces - KBCN00049

Where the assessment contains a mix of treated and untreated spaces, untreated spaces can be excluded and the performance based on the treated spaces only. Where the entire assessment is untreated, the whole of the structure(s) must be assessed on the basis that this issue is critical for certification. BREEAM is primarily designed to assess permanent, treated and occupied structures. Untreated structures are unlikely to gain many credits when being assessed.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Energy modelling not required for Building Regulations compliance - KBCN0487

For the purposes of demonstrating BREEAM compliance, it is still necessary to undertake energy modelling to generate the required performance data.
24/08/2022 Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Energy performance assessment for part of a whole building - KBCN0596

If the assessment is only covering part of a whole building, the energy performance assessment must be representative of the part of the building being assessed. Simply taking the energy performance assessment of the whole building would not therefore comply, especially if the non-assessed parts of the building were of a different use. A separate energy assessment of the part of the building is likely to be required. The energy performance assessment must be representative of the parts of the building being assessed. This also applies to the predicted energy performance and all energy modelling for the prediction of operation energy consumption. 
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed
Amended 01/09/2020 to cover UKNC2018 - Prediction of operational energy consumption

Escalators or moving walks – variable speed drive - KBCN1621

The requirements refer to 'a load sensing device that synchronises motor output to passenger demand through a variable speed drive'. The intent is that the inverter must operate full-time to moderate output based on passenger demand.

Excluding large untreated warehouse spaces from ‘Useful floor area’ - KBCN00069

For industrial buildings, where there are offices and the untreated warehouse space does not include any energy-intensive systems or processes, the warehouse space can be excluded from the calculation of 'useful floor area' to determine whether Criterion 2 or 3 (Criterion 2 only in UK New Construction 2018) is applicable. For speculative developments, if Planning Consent includes Distribution or Warehousing (UK Planning Use Class B8 or equivalent local planning consent) and the design team and assessor can justify that this is the intended use, the above approach can be followed for untreated warehouse space. Where there is minimal energy consumption, complex sub-metering such a space would add little benefit. 
28 Oct 2022 - Applicability to INC V6 and UK NC V6 confirmed.
Wording clarified and note added relating to speculative developments - 16/12/2016
Wording clarified relating to speculative developments - 06/01/2020

GN39 Ene 01 Calculation Methodology – BREEAM UK NC 2018, V6.0, and V6.1 - KBCN1098

Latest version: v3.0, June 2023 Guidance Note 39 describes the calculation methodology for the energy performance criteria (up to 9 credits) in Ene 01 for BREEAM UK New Construction 2018, Version 6.0, and Version 6.1. Download Guidance Note 39 View all Guidance Notes on BREEAM Projects (licensed assessors only)
14-Jun-2023 - Updated for release of UK NC V6.1

LZC technologies – energy centre or other LZCs connected at a later stage - KBCN0267

If a project specifies LZCs that have been proposed in the feasibility report which reduce emissions, and/or will be connected to a site-wide energy centre operational at a later stage of the phased development, after the Post Construction Stage review has been submitted, the Energy and Pollution issues can be assessed as follows: In a phased development where the primary heating system will be upgraded at a later stage than the building being assessed, a commitment to install the new heating source must be made in the General Contract Specification (as per the BREEAM requirements). BREEAM does not specify a particular time for phasing as it is difficult to set parameters, however as a rule building users should have to wait the least time possible before they can use the upgraded heating source. For the quality audit, two Energy model outputs/EPCs must be produced at the final stage - one with the actual interim system installed for building control, and one for the BREEAM assessment which can include the predicted energy from the proposed energy centre.  Additionally, the legally binding general contract specification for the new heating source must be submitted with details of the timescales proposed for the completion of the second phase of work. Where this approach is to be followed BREEAM must be consulted in each case to ensure that the arrangements are sufficiently robust to award the credits. BREEAM seeks to recognise the environmental impacts of a building's energy use throughout its life, therefore temporary arrangements can be accommodated, provided there is robust evidence on future connection to the permanent systems.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

NABERS – Compliance with the requirements of Ene 01 - KBCN1463

Undertaking energy modelling for NABERs (DfP process) can be used to demonstrate compliance for the 4 predicted energy modelling credits and also the 2 exemplary credits for committing to post-occupancy measurement of energy.

Night-time operation – requirement for controls - KBCN1048

Projects or areas of an asset which operate at night-time can adapt or omit the requirement to provide controls or presence detection to align with the building’s hours of operation. This could, for example, include service yards or car parks. The aim of this Issue is to reduce the energy use for external lighting and should not interfere with the building’s operation.
02 Oct 2024 - Updated to clarify the scope of the this guidance and applied to NCV6 and BIU.

On-site LZC – whole site shared connection - KBCN1424

To be recognised in BREEAM, the on-site Low and Zero Carbon (LZC) technology must have a direct physical connection to the assessed asset. OR Where the LZC technology is; It is acceptable to allocate the renewable energy generated proportionally as a calculation of the asset's predicted energy consumption compared to the total energy consumption of the whole site. To allocate renewable electricity by proportional consumption: Where consumption data is missing, renewable electricity must not be allocated to the assessed asset. In this case, it is assumed that all electricity consumed is sourced from the grid.
17-Jan-2024 - Applicability BIU V6 Ene 13 removed, as this approach is not applicable to assessing the area of PV fitted.
21-Dec-2022 - Applicability to In-Use V6 confirmed.
24-Aug-2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed.

Parts of the building not subject to national thermal regulations - KBCN0534

Where you have parts of the assessed building which are not subject to national thermal regulations then these should be omitted from the EPR calculation.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Prediction of operational energy consumption – Multiple (similar) buildings assessments - KBCN1479

Sampling is not appropriate to meet the aim of the criteria; it is necessary to model the predicted operational energy consumption of all assessed units. Credits are awarded for undertaking the detailed modelling, therefore there is no requirement to identify the worst performing unit and KNCN1382 is not applicable.
24/08/2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Prediction of operational energy consumption – alternative route to Excellent minimum standard - KBCN1336

Where the ‘Prediction of operational energy consumption’ criteria are achieved, the minimum standard for Excellent in Ene 01 is met. This is independent of meeting any minimum credit score in the issue to achieve the Excellent minimum standard. See KBCN1602. Substantial improvement To meet this minimum standard, the asset must show a substantial improvement in operational energy performance, following the ’Prediction of operational energy consumption’ criteria. This 'substantial improvement' is defined as achieving 4 credits using amended metrics generated using the dynamic simulation modelling and for: Amended definitions Performance is calculated based on amended definitions of an actual and a notional building: Amended actual building: Amended notional building: *The notional building servicing system may be replaced with a gas boiler as the heat generation source. Where the performance improvement over the amended notional building does not achieve 4 credits, the BREEAM Excellent standard may still be met. Robust evidence must be provided showing that this level of performance improvement is not possible, based on constraints outside of the control of the project team. Additional notes for UK schemes Projects assessed under UKNC V6.1 can manually input amended figures from the modelling into the platform to demonstrate the 'substantial improvement'. See "DSM Alternative Ene 01 inputs" in BREEAM Projects for this issue. For the energy modelling and reporting criteria, the CO2 metric can be calculated using either:
08-Nov-2023 - Additional wording and link to KBCN1602 added to clarify situation for UK simple buildings.
26-Jun-2023 - Content updated to apply to International schemes. Title and wording clarified. Text on manual errata in NC 2018 3.0 moved to KBCN1602.
14-Jun-2023 - Note added to confirm this is integrated into the platform for UKNC V6.1 in all countries. 
24-Aug-2022 - Content updated and applied to UKNC V6
19-Aug-2019 - Clarification for UKNC 2018 3.0.

Prediction of operational energy consumption – passive design analysis - KBCN1647

The credits for ‘Prediction of operational energy consumption’ in Ene 01 require the project team to have first identified opportunities to implement passive design measures. For Ene 01, it is acceptable for the analysis of potential passive design measures to be completed later than Concept Design if there are still opportunities to implement passive design measures in the project. The intention of including the criterion on passive design analysis in Ene 01 is to ensure passive design features that could reduce the operational energy demand of the building have been considered before credits are awarded for predicting operational energy demand. The analysis must occur when there are still opportunities to influence the design.

Presence detection – illuminated signs - KBCN1671

The requirements for presence detection do not apply to illuminated signs. In BIU V6, presence detection requirements are included as part of automatic energy saving controls. All other requirements in this criteria must still be met.

Quantifying the reduced total energy demand and CO2 emissions resulting from passive design measures - KBCN1677

Please note that in order to demonstrate the reductions from passive design measures, the notional building figures may be taken from the energy model to confirm the building without passive design measures, to compare against the actual building figures, which will include passive design measures.  A separate energy model is therefore not necessarily required for the building without passive design measures.

Registering assessments to UK NC2018 or UK NC V6 – Version of Part L - KBCN1535

BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 was developed for buildings in England which are demonstrating compliance against Part L 2013. The New Construction V6 version is intended for buildings in England which are demonstrating compliance against Part L 2021. Accordingly, UK NC 2018 will only accept 'inp' files created using Part L 2013 building regulations software for England and UK NC V6 will only accept 'inp' files created using Part L 2021 building regulations software for England.   Assessments already registered to BREEAM UK NC 2018 that must comply with the Part L 2021 of the Building Regulations may follow either of the options below:
  1.  Transfer to the UK NC V6 scheme
  2. Assess under UK NC 2018 and do two Part L models:
New assessments subject to Part L 2021 may register to UK NC V6 or follow Option 2, above.
10 Feb 2023 - Applied to Issue Ene 01 to improve visibility

Scope of the criteria for lifts – Small service lifts (dumbwaiters) - KBCN1589

Small service lifts, of the type typically used to transport prepared food and crockery in restaurants (sometimes referred to as 'dumbwaiters'), fall outside the scope of this assessment issue.

Shell only – retail glazing not within scope - KBCN0937

Where a retail building envelope is not complete and glazing will be provided by the future tenant/(s), there are two options available: A 'Green fit-out agreement' (see Definition under this Issue in the technical manual) can be used to ensure that the performance level of the glazing used in the energy model is met in the completed building. This must be accompanied by evidence that the performance of the assumed glazing does not impose overly onerous requirements on future tenants and that it falls within the scope of glazing typically used in retail developments. Alternatively, the assessment can be based on worst permissible performance under the relevant national building regulations. In all cases, for shell only assessments, the assessment method detailed in CN1 (for UK New Construction 2014 and International New Construction 2016) and Assessment type specific note 1.3 (for UK New Construction 2018 and UKNC V6) must be followed.
24/08/2022 - Reference and applicability to UKNC V6 added
14 11 2017 Wording amended to clarify the intent

Shell only – zero net regulated carbon emissions - KBCN1101

For Shell only projects, 9 credits can be awarded when the EPRED ratio is 0.90, without the requirement for zero net regulated CO2 emissions applying. Shell only projects only assess the buildings heating and cooling energy demand and so credits are awarded just on this basis.
24/08/2022 Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Shell only – Energy modelling requirements - KBCN1488

For a shell only assessment, only the EPR demand metric is used to determine the energy performance. Therefore, we would not expect to see improvements to equipment and services accounted for in the BRUKL/NCM calculation. It is, therefore, recommended that assessors submit a BRUKL/NCM document incorporating the fabric improvements, but which retains the equipment and services of the notional building with heating and cooling provided by multi-split systems. Credits for shell only assessments are determined by the demand metric alone. The inclusion of more efficient equipment and services may, therefore, lead to lower heat gains, a subsequent increase in demand for space heating and, hence, a lower number of credits being awarded.
28 Aug 2022 - Guidance updated and applied to UKNC V6

Similar speculative developments (Shell and Core) - KBCN1382

For speculative, Shell and Core projects there will be a significant level of uncertainty regarding equipment loads and usage patterns. Project teams should make the best estimates they can based on available data for similar projects, instead of using the National Calculation Methodology occupancy assumptions. Where sites have multiple speculative, Shell and Core buildings it is acceptable for the 'Prediction' work to be the same across all the units. The design team would need to be sure that all the units would have the same type of tenant and be used in the same way. This is in keeping with the aim of the 'Prediction' credits; to predict energy consumption as accurately as possible. If the users are known to be different, this approach would not be acceptable.
24/08/2022 Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Single functional area and no tenanted areas – operational energy monitoring - KBCN00056

Where the building has a single functional or tenanted area for sub-metering, with no other significant energy uses that must be separately metered, then:
26-Mar-2024 - Wording clarified. Scheme applicability updated.

Statutory requirements for energy modelling differ from BREEAM - KBCN0127

For the purposes of BREEAM, Issue Ene 01 should be assessed using a BRUKL output based on the prevalent UK country Building regulations applicable to that scheme. This applies even when the building does not need to undertake energy modelling to comply with Building Regulations.

Where a different analysis is required for statutory compliance, due to the location of the project or registration to an earlier or later version of Part L, a different output must be produced for this purpose.

Alternatively, where applicable, the BREEAM registration could be updated to the latest version, so the same energy model output can be used for both purposes. To maintain consistency and comparability for all assessments registered to a scheme.
24/08/2022 Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Sub-metering technologies – Compliance Principle - KBCN1561

Where it can be demonstrated that alternative sub-metering technologies can meet or exceed the capabilities of systems set out in the BREEAM guidance, subject to approval, these can also be considered compliant. It is the role of the Assessor and the project team to provide evidence and justification in a compliance principle query (see KBCN1555). The following metering standards or technologies are currently recognised as alternatives to pulsed output meters:

Sub-metering using non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) systems - KBCN1710

Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) systems cannot be used to demonstrate compliance for the sub-metering credits within BREEAM. Hardware-based sub-meters must be installed. NILM systems are generally retrofit systems which can be easily removed and are not integral to the building or installed building services.

Use of as-designed BRUKL output for post-construction submission - KBCN0889

Where it is not possible to produce an as-built BRUKL output for the post-construction assessment, it is acceptable to produce an updated as-designed BRUKL output that accurately reflects the constructed building as evidence for the post-construction submission. A justification should be issued to QA clarifying why an as-designed BRUKL was submitted, along with confirmation from the relevant specialist that the model is an accurate representation of the final, as-built specification of the building.
24/08/2022 Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed

Information correct as of 22ndJanuary 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.