New Construction / International / V6 / 03 - Energy /

Ene 01 - Reduction of energy use and carbon emissions

Information correct as of 7thMarch 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Calculating EPR where there are multiple BRUKL/NCM outputs - KBCN1083

Where more than one NCM output is produced for a development, which is registered as a single assessment, an area-weighted average should be used to calculate the number of credits to be awarded. This does not apply where the ‘similar buildings’ approach is used. For for projects in England assessed under UKNC V6.0, please see KBCN1618 Projects assessed under UKNC V6.1 can upload multiple BRUKL.inp files for a single assessment and the platform will perform the calculation. See KBCN1618 Each energy performance output from the NCM output (actual CO2/m2 notional CO2/m2 etc.) must be area-weighted to produce area-weighted average values entered into the scoring and reporting tool. When applying this method, please include your area-weighting calculations and outputs as supporting evidence. The following provides an example of an area-weighting calculation for two building areas A and B, each of 500m2, for which separate NCM outputs are available:   For building area A: Notional building heating and cooling energy demand: 230 mJ/m² Actual building heating and cooling energy demand: 200 mJ/m² Notional building primary energy consumption: 300 kWh/m² Actual building primary energy consumption: 280 kWh/m² TER: 40 kg CO₂-eq/m² BER: 30 kg CO₂-eq/m²   For building area B: Notional building heating and cooling energy demand: 150 mJ/m² Actual building heating and cooling energy demand: 140 mJ/m² Notional building primary energy consumption: 200 kWh/m² Actual building primary energy consumption: 190 kWh/m² TER: 40 kg CO₂-eq/m² BER: 38 kg CO₂-eq/m²   Area-weighted values for building areas A and B (of total floor area 1000m2): Notional building heating and cooling energy demand: 230*500/1000 + 150*500/1000 = 190 mJ/m² Actual building heating and cooling energy demand: 200*500/1000 + 140*500/1000 = 170 mJ/m² Notional building primary energy consumption: 300*500/1000 + 200*500/1000 = 250 kWh/m² Actual building primary energy consumption: 280*500/1000 + 190*500/1000 = 235 kWh/m² TER: 40*500/1000 + 40*500/1000 = 40 kg CO₂-eq/m² BER: 30*500/1000 + 38*500/1000 = 34 kg CO₂-eq/m²   These area-weighted values are then used to calculate the overall EPRNC value.  
20 Sep 2023 - Minor corrections, applicability to INC V6 confirmed and cross-reference to UKNC V6 guidance added.
14 Jun 2023 - Note added to confirm this is integrated into the platform for UKNC V6.1 in all countries. 
24 Aug 2022 - Note added to confirm this is N/A to UKNC V6 for projects in England
07 Feb 2022 - Reference to 'BRUKL' amended to 'NCM output' to clarify for non-UK assessments
31 Oct 2018 KBCN clarified. Reference to EPRs and calculation example added

Erratum – up to V6 – checklist A5 – lighting - KBCN1629

Item 1 of Checklist A5 states: This is incorrect. The requirements should be:

GN48 Ene 01 Calculation Methodology – BREEAM International NC V6 - KBCN1487

Latest version: v1.1, February 2022 Guidance Note 48 describes the calculation methodology for energy performance under the Ene 01 issue of BREEAM International New Construction Version 6. The methodology has been revised for the new version of the scheme and uses a triple metric approach that addresses energy demand, energy consumption, and CO2 emissions. The aim of using this approach is to recognise and promote designs that minimise energy consumption in buildings, and reduce the carbon emissions from that energy use. Download Guidance Note 48 View all Guidance Notes (licensed assessors only)

Internationally approved Ene 01 calculation software - KBCN1177

The following calculation software are approved internationally and can be used, provided local weather files are available in the country of the assessment. Please make sure the approved version, in brackets, is used. If you wish to use a different one, please submit a technical query to [email protected] providing details of the changes. Any software that has been approved on the ASWL for a particular country can be used in other countries, provided relevant weather files are available.
26-Mar-2024 - Scheme applicability updated.
08-Aug-2022 - Applicability to BREEAM Communities 2012 confirmed.
30-Jun-2023 - Added note relating to software approved for a particular country.

LZC – Local regulations and private wire arrangements - KBCN1658

Where local regulations do not permit electricity generated by on-site renewables to be connected directly to the building, and where evidence of the relevant regulations is provided at QA, the requirement for a private wire arrangement can be waived.

On-site LZC – whole site shared connection - KBCN1424

To be recognised in BREEAM, the on-site Low and Zero Carbon (LZC) technology must have a direct physical connection to the assessed asset. OR Where the LZC technology is; It is acceptable to allocate the renewable energy generated proportionally as a calculation of the asset's predicted energy consumption compared to the total energy consumption of the whole site. To allocate renewable electricity by proportional consumption: Where consumption data is missing, renewable electricity must not be allocated to the assessed asset. In this case, it is assumed that all electricity consumed is sourced from the grid.
17-Jan-2024 - Applicability BIU V6 Ene 13 removed, as this approach is not applicable to assessing the area of PV fitted.
21-Dec-2022 - Applicability to In-Use V6 confirmed.
24-Aug-2022 - Applicability to UKNC V6 confirmed.

Prediction of operational energy consumption – alternative route to Excellent minimum standard - KBCN1336

Where the ‘Prediction of operational energy consumption’ criteria are achieved, the minimum standard for Excellent in Ene 01 is met. This is independent of meeting any minimum credit score in the issue to achieve the Excellent minimum standard. See KBCN1602. Substantial improvement To meet this minimum standard, the asset must show a substantial improvement in operational energy performance, following the ’Prediction of operational energy consumption’ criteria. This 'substantial improvement' is defined as achieving 4 credits using amended metrics generated using the dynamic simulation modelling and for: Amended definitions Performance is calculated based on amended definitions of an actual and a notional building: Amended actual building: Amended notional building: *The notional building servicing system may be replaced with a gas boiler as the heat generation source. Where the performance improvement over the amended notional building does not achieve 4 credits, the BREEAM Excellent standard may still be met. Robust evidence must be provided showing that this level of performance improvement is not possible, based on constraints outside of the control of the project team. Additional notes for UK schemes Projects assessed under UKNC V6.1 can manually input amended figures from the modelling into the platform to demonstrate the 'substantial improvement'. See "DSM Alternative Ene 01 inputs" in BREEAM Projects for this issue. For the energy modelling and reporting criteria, the CO2 metric can be calculated using either:
08-Nov-2023 - Additional wording and link to KBCN1602 added to clarify situation for UK simple buildings.
26-Jun-2023 - Content updated to apply to International schemes. Title and wording clarified. Text on manual errata in NC 2018 3.0 moved to KBCN1602.
14-Jun-2023 - Note added to confirm this is integrated into the platform for UKNC V6.1 in all countries. 
24-Aug-2022 - Content updated and applied to UKNC V6
19-Aug-2019 - Clarification for UKNC 2018 3.0.

Shell only – energy demand parameter not available - KBCN0576

In 2016 New Construction (NC) international scheme shell only assessment, energy demand is the required assessment metric for Ene 01. A lot of international assessments are unable to provide the energy demand performance information, and as such, this approach won’t always be possible. Where there is no demand parameter available, follow the same approach as outlined for ‘shell and core’.
26-Nov-2024 - Scheme applicability updated.

Information correct as of 7thMarch 2025. Please see for the latest compliance information.