3 General Technical /
8 Guidance Notes
Information correct as of 27thDecember 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.
Emissions from products – Guidance Note 22 (GN22) - KBCN0719
Latest version: v2.9, September 2024
Within the Health and Wellbeing category of several BREEAM schemes, credits are awarded for specifying materials that minimise emissions from building products of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The criteria involve meeting emission level performance requirements in accordance with compliant performance and testing standards.
Guidance Note 22 (GN22) lists schemes that show equivalent or better performance than the current BREEAM and HQM criteria, and therefore can be used to demonstrate compliance with the criteria. This document should be read in conjunction with the relevant assessment issue guidance provided in the appropriate BREEAM or HQM technical manual.
The guidance note contains two tables:
- Table 1 is for use with BREEAM schemes that were first released before December 2015.
- Table 2 is for use with BREEAM (and HQM) schemes that were first released from December 2015 onwards (post-November 2015).
Download Guidance Note 22
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30-Sep-2024 - Updated for release of GN22 2.9
01-Feb-2024 - Updated for release of GN22 2.8
31-Jan-2023 - Updated for release of GN22 2.7
10-Oct-2022 - This KBCN merged with KBCN0646. Title amended to align with standard KBCN naming format for clarity and consistency. Made applicable to UK and International NC V6.
25-Jan-2019 - Link to Guidance Note updated
12-Mar-2018 - Link to Guidance Note updated
GN00 – Guidance Notes link - KBCN0619
To view Guidance Notes on BREEAM Projects click
here (Licensed assessors only)
GN01 NC 2011 Assessment Reporting - KBCN0610
This guidance is intended to clarify the procedure for producing assessment reports for certification using the BREEAM New Construction 2011
assessment scoring and reporting tool and assessment references tab.
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GN02 BREEAM 2011 Ene 01 - KBCN0614
This guidance note is withdrawn.
GN03 Scheme classifications of developments with domestic elements – BREEAM New Construction 2011 - KBCN0615
Scheme classifications of developments with domestic elements - BREEAM New Construction 2011
This document provides guidance for BREEAM scheme classifications of developments with domestic elements and reflects where buildings consisting of self-contained dwellings and/or rooms for residential purposes are suitable to be assessed under the BREEAM New Construction scheme 2011 version.
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GN04 BREEAM 2011 Ene 01 Calculation Methodology Review - KBCN0616
This guidance details the analysis of and subsequent changes made by BRE Global Ltd to the BREEAM New Construction 2011 version of the Ene 01 assessment issue methodology and benchmarks.
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GN05 Considerate Constructors Scheme and the BREEAM schemes - KBCN0617
This guidance note applies to all BREEAM UK versions and schemes including New Construction, Domestic Refurbishment and EcoHomes. Up and coming changes to the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) will have an impact on the performance levels required under all schemes and versions of BREEAM, EcoHomes1 and BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment2 i.e. issue Man 02. This guidance note outlines the changes to the CCS and how this will affect BREEAM assessments
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GN07 has been withdrawn
GN08 – Scope of IMPACT compliant tools and data submission requirements - KBCN0621
Scope of IMPACT Compliant (or equivalent) Tools and Data Submission Requirements - BREEAM UK New Construction 2011 and 2014
This Guidance Note relates to complying with the exemplary level criteria for route 2, as defined under the Mat01 issue of the BREEAM New Construction 2011 and 2014 versions. It provides information about IMPACT and the level of detail (the Quality Requirements) and file transmission requirements for the Building Information Model (BIM) from IMPACT compliant (or equivalent) tools. It also outlines criteria for demonstrating the equivalence of a proposed alternative to IMPACT compliant tools for BRE Global approval.
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GN10 Assessing mixed use developments and multiple buildings (or units) of similar function - KBCN0623
The purpose of this Guidance Note is to assist BREEAM assessors with scheme classifications and the application of BREEAM for mixed use developments and developments with multiple buildings or units on the same site.
Note: This guidance note has been revised to v1.0 April 2018
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17/04/18 Wording clarified
04/06/18 Note added regarding revision and hyperlink updated
GN11 Considerate construction scheme administrator guidance - KBCN0624
GN11 Organisational, local or national considerate construction scheme requirements: guidance for scheme administrators
The purpose of this guidance note is to provide guidance for considerate construction scheme administrators/operators, against which they can determine whether their scheme is potentially eligible for recognition in BREEAM as a ‘compliant scheme’ and therefore whether performance, as assessed/rated by that scheme, is appropriate for the purpose of awarding BREEAM credits. Where the administrator has reviewed their scheme against the requirements below and wishes to have the schemed listed in BREEAM as a ‘compliant scheme’, they should contact the BREEAM office at BRE Global, providing the following information:
1. A description of the scheme’s operation, including how it monitors and verifies compliance and to what standards it or its assessors are accredited
2. The scheme’s code of practice
3. How the scheme scores/rates contractor and site performance against that code of practice
4. If relevant, the number of projects that have used the scheme and the average score/level of performance achieved.
BRE Global will then inform the scheme operator of the next steps in the review and listing process.
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GN12 Ene 01 – Guidance on the calculation methodology - KBCN0625
The purpose of this guidance note is to describe the calculation methodology used for assessment of the Ene01 Issue.
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GN13 Relating ecologist’s report and BREEAM - KBCN0626
This guidance note is to be used for registered BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 and RFO 2014 and International New Construction 2016 and RFO 2015 assessments, where an ecologist has been appointed by the client and has produced an ecology report for the proposed development.
The purpose of this guidance note is to help the BREEAM Assessor relate the content of the ecologist’s report to the BREEAM Land Use and Ecology section criteria (assessment issues LE 02, LE 03 (UK only), LE 04 and LE 05). The guidance within this document has been produced to support the assessment of the aforementioned BREEAM issues and should not be interpreted as criteria. If the BREEAM Assessor chooses to use the template provided within this guidance note as evidence in the assessment (use of this document is optional) the assessor or the appointed suitably qualified ecologist must complete all relevant sections
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01/04/2020 Clarified applicability to UK RFO 2014 and International RFO 2015 schemes
GN14 BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 scheme assessment timeline - KBCN0627
BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 scheme assessment timeline
The assessment timeline has been produced to assist with optimising project sustainability performance. It outlines at which RIBA stage credits should be addressed and ideally when these should be considered by the design team, planner, contractors, owners/occupiers and other members of the project team to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating at the minimum cost. It demonstrates that where BREEAM advice is taken on too late within the design and construction phases a number of BREEAM credits may not be achieved.
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GN15 Relating drainage reports to BREEAM UK NC 2014 - KBCN0629
Latest version: v0.2, November 2014
Guidance Note 15 (GN15) has been produced to help assist BREEAM Assessors relate the contents of drainage reports to the ‘Surface water run-off’ and ‘Minimising watercourse pollution’ criteria in Pol 03 for BREEAM UK New Construction 2014. The guidance note does not cover the criteria for ‘Flood resilience’.
Completing the template is optional. It is an aid for demonstrating compliance and not a requirement.
A separate guidance note exists for BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 (see
Download Guidance Note 15
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GN16 - KBCN0631
This document is for National Scheme Operators and not applicable to assessors
GN17 Bespoke Green Guide Specifications - KBCN0633
This Guidance Note provides advice for BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes assessors where a Green Guide rating cannot easily be found or matched on the online Green Guide.
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GN18 BREEAM Recognised Responsible Sourcing Certification Schemes and BREEAM Scheme Applicability - KBCN0723
Latest version: v3.7, May 2023
BREEAM awards credits for responsibly sourcing construction products (typically under the Mat 03 issue) to encourage responsible product specification and procurement in construction. To achieve these credits, applicable specified products (as listed in the relevant technical manual) must be covered by an Environmental Management System (EMS) or a responsible sourcing certification scheme (RSCS) recognised by BREEAM.
Guidance Note 18 lists the responsible sourcing certifications schemes recognised by BREEAM along with the relevant summary scores to be used in BREEAM assessments.
Download Guidance Note 18
Download Guidance Note 18 v2.0 (licensed assessors only - optional for projects registered prior to release of v3.0 in September 2016)
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GN19 BREEAM UK New Construction 2011 scheme assessment timeline - KBCN0716
The assessment timeline has been produced to assist with optimising project sustainability performance. It outlines at which RIBA stage credits should be addressed and ideally when these should be considered by the design team, planner, contractors, owners/occupiers and other members of the project team to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating at the minimum cost. It demonstrates that where BREEAM advice is taken on too late within the design and construction phases a number of BREEAM credits may not be achieved.
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GN20 - KBCN0717
GN20 does not exist
GN21 BREEAM UK Refurbishment and Fit-out Ene 01 Methodology - KBCN0718
The purpose of this guidance note is to provide further information on the BREEAM UK Refurbishment and Fit-out (BREEAM RFO) Ene 01 methodology. This note should be read in conjunction with the guidance provided in the UK Refurbishment and Fit-out technical manual
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GN23 BREEAM Bespoke Process - KBCN0720
Latest version: v0.1, July 2021
Guidance Note 23 contains information for BREEAM Assessors who are seeking to assess a bespoke project. This includes projects that meet one of the following options:
- A building that does not fit the scope of the BREEAM New Construction and Refurbishment and Fit-out schemes (UK and International).
- A BREEAM Communities project outside of Europe.
This document contains information and guidance for BREEAM Assessors on the operational and technical aspects of the BREEAM Bespoke Process. This document should be used alongside Operational Guidance (SD5070) and the relevant technical manual.
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GN24 Demonstrating compliance with Mat 03 in BREEAM - KBCN0721
Latest version: v1.1, May 2022
Guidance Note 24 provides additional guidance to assessors and specifiers on demonstrating compliance with the criteria set out in Mat 03. It should be read in conjunction with the Technical Manual for the relevant assessment scheme. It covers:
- How to deal with constituent products/materials including those with certification that is different from the overall product.
- The precision required in estimating quantities:
- For the cut-off volume
- Of products/materials in the building (route 2 only)
- Of different material categories in products/materials.
- An example route 2 calculation.
- ‘Broken chain’ situations.
- How to treat building services.
Download Guidance Note 24 (licensed assessors only)
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GN25 BREEAM International New Construction 2016 Ene 01 Calc - KBCN0722
A new calculation methodology for determining the number of credits achieved in Ene 01 was introduced in BREEAM International New Construction 2013. The core principles of this methodology have been retained in BREEAM International New Construction 2016, but there have been some changes to the way in which the methodology is implemented. This guidance note describes the main Ene 01 methodology and provides further detail on how it is implemented in the 2016 scheme.
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GN28 Home Quality Mark (HQM) Energy and Cost Methodology Guidance Note – Draft - KBCN0768
The purpose of this guidance note is to provide a background to the calculation methodologies underpinning the energy performance section in the HQM ‘Energy and Cost’ issue.
The purpose of this guidance note is to provide a background to the calculation methodologies underpinning the energy performance section in the HQM ‘Energy and Cost’ issue.
As its name suggests, the HQM is focussed around delivering quality homes. When looking to purchase or rent a new home, consumers look for quality, and also for particular features specific to their needs (e.g. location, size, specification etc.). The HQM standard reflects these needs by promoting a holistic approach to assessing homes and reporting on specific attributes of a home. This enables consumers to make informed decisions and allows developers to showcase and differentiate their product in the marketplace.
This document is intended to give a technical background to the calculation methodologies underpinning the HQM ‘Energy and Cost’ issue for end users (e.g. assessors, consultants or others) needing to make decisions influencing a home’s HQM score of the issue. It explains how the methodology works, the HQM inputs required and each of the outputs generated. It also provides guidance on how variations in the input (i.e. SAP inputs, ‘bolt-on’ inputs etc.) affect the outputs. The principles of the calculation methodologies used in the Energy and Cost assessment issue are in keeping with the above.
Three measures have been incorporated into the issue to assist in meeting the above aims:
• Adoption of the ‘triple metric’ approach – this calculation methodology is used to calculate the Home Energy Performance Ratio (HEPR). This ensures a balanced approach when considering the fabric performance, systems efficiency and CO2 emissions of the home.
• Introduction of a cost output – this will allow consumers to compare predicted regulated energy costs and identify specified systems that may perform well environmentally, but be more costly to run.
• Introduction of rigour routes – this enables recognition of measures taken to improve the accuracy of the energy calculations.
This guidance document looks into the detail of the calculation methodologies for each of the above three measures. In particular it looks into:
• The HQM energy calculation engine – the basis of the engine which is used to calculate credits regarding energy performance (and high temperature – see other guidance note), and information on how it works.
• Bolt-on calculations – several new elements have been added to the Building Research Establishment Domestic Energy Model (BREDEM1
) methodology to improve the accuracy of the calculations; the required inputs and methodologies for each of these ‘bolt-on’ calculations are discussed in more detail
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GN29: Comparing criteria and evidential crossover between BREEAM Communities and building level assessment methodologies - KBCN0987
This document helps clarify the areas where compliance with BREEAM Communities can help to show compliance with criteria at Home Quality Mark (HQM) and BREEAM building level assessments from new construction to refurbishment and fit out.
BREEAM Communities scheme offers a strategic approach to assess the environmental, social and economic sustainability of large scaled developments and masterplanning projects. This is the stage and scale where there are opportunities to increase sustainability across the entire site and for individual buildings through economies of scale, site-wide solutions and greater flexibility in design decisions. In turn, when it comes to later lifecycle stages of the development and assessing individual buildings under BREEAM or HQM, these solutions can be used to secure a higher score and rating where relevant.
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GN30 BREEAM International New Construction 2016 scheme assessment timeline - KBCN0988
The assessment timeline has been produced to assist with optimising project sustainability performance. It outlines at which stage credits should be addressed and ideally when these should be considered by the design team, planner, contractors, owners/occupiers and other members of the project team to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating at the minimum cost. It demonstrates that where BREEAM advice is taken on too late within the design and construction phases a number of BREEAM credits may not be achieved.
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GN31 BREEAM UK Non-Domestic Refurbishment and Fit-out 2014 scheme assessment timeline - KBCN0989
The assessment timeline has been produced to assist with optimising project sustainability performance. It outlines at which RIBA stage credits should be addressed and ideally when these should be considered by the design team, planner, contractors, owners/occupiers and other members of the project team to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating at the minimum cost. It demonstrates that where BREEAM advice is taken on too late within the design and construction phases a number of BREEAM credits may not be achieved.
Due to the nature of Refurbishment and Fit-Out works, some projects may have short timescales and considerable overlap between stages. This can mean that some actions will have to be completed at a later RIBA stage than indicated in this document. However, it is important to consider that early decisions can create opportunities and barriers that impact on the ability of project teams to meet BREEAM requirements at a later stage in the project by limiting design and/or specification choices. This may apply to a number of issues in the assessment timeline below. The use of a yellow/ orange colour grading in this document is intended to indicate the ‘ideal time’ for assessors to complete evidence.
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View full Guidance Note (also publicly available on breeam.com)
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GN32 Energy prediction and post-occupancy evaluation – BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 - KBCN1096
Latest version: v2.0, October 2022
The purpose of
Guidance Note 32 is to describe the methodology for energy performance prediction and subsequent post-occupancy evaluation in BREEAM UK New Construction 2018. The guidance note relates specifically to the criteria within Ene 01 for:
- Prediction of operational energy consumption (4 credits)
- Post-occupancy stage (2 exemplary credits)
Download Guidance Note 32
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31-Oct-2022 - Updated following the closure of separate post-occupancy stage assessment. See KBCN1532.
GN33 Responsible construction management in BREEAM and HQM - KBCN1215
Latest version: v2.0, February 2023
BREEAM awards credits for responsible construction management to recognise and encourage construction sites which are managed in an environmentally and socially considerate, responsible and accountable manner.
Guidance Note 33 (GN33) lists the responsible construction management requirements in BREEAM and provides a list of recognised schemes and tools that may used to demonstrate that particular requirements have been met.
Download Guidance Note 33
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GN34: BREEAM, CEEQUAL and HQM Ecology Risk Evaluation Checklist - KBCN1220
This guidance note is applicable for BREEAM, CEEQUAL and HQM schemes used in the UK which opened for registrations from 2018 onwards. Where the term Assessor is used in this document this refers to the BREEAM, CEEQUAL, HQM Assessor as relevant to the assessment taking place.
View full Guidance Note (licenced assessors only)
View full Guidance Note (also publicly available on breeam.com)
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05 Jul 2024 Broken link updated
GN35: BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 Ecology Assessment – Route 1 Methodology - KBCN1221
GN35 has been withdrawn.
GN36: BREEAM, CEEQUAL and HQM Ecology Calculation Methodology – Route 2 (including appendix C) - KBCN1256
1.1 Applicability of this Guidance Note to the BREEAM Family of Schemes (BREEAM, CEEQUAL, HQM)
This guidance note is applicable for BREEAM, CEEQUAL and HQM schemes used in the UK which opened for registrations from 2018 onwards.
The relevance of this document to a project undergoing an assessment under any of these schemes is dependent on the version of the scheme being used. Reference should be made to the scheme Technical manual to determine this. Where there is no reference to this document, the method set out here is not relevant and cannot be used to demonstrate compliance with the assessment criteria in those versions of those schemes.
Where the term Assessor is used in this document this refers to the BREEAM, CEEQUAL or HQM Assessor as appropriate.
1.2 Purpose and Scope of this Guidance Note
This guidance note sets out the calculation methodology and process used within the above schemes for the purpose of calculating a ‘change in ecological value’ resulting from the project being assessed. It forms a part of the technical manual for these schemes and as such the methodology and process described forms an integral part of these scheme requirements. There are four core assessment issues which relate to ecology:
- Identifying and understanding the risk and opportunities for the project
- Managing negative impacts on ecology
- Change and enhancement of ecological value
- Long term ecology management and maintenance
The methodology and process set out in this document must be carried out by a Suitably Qualified Ecologist (see the ‘Identifying and understanding the risks and opportunities for the project’ assessment issue for the definition of a Suitably Qualified Ecologist). It is used to calculate the change in ecological value resulting from a project for the purposes of the Assessment.
This methodology is directly relevant for calculating change in ecological value and therefore is an integral part of the ‘Change and Enhancement of Ecological Value’ assessment issue. However it is also relevant for other issues and appropriate stages must be considered as part of the ‘Identifying and understanding the risks and opportunities for the project’ assessment issue.
The considerations and outputs generated from the methodology set out in this guidance note will also inform the assessment and achievement of the following issues or their equivalents:
- Managing negative impacts on ecology
- Long term ecology management and maintenance
See the relevant assessment issue in the appropriate technical manual. The outputs of this calculation are used by the Assessor to determine the reward (e.g. credits/points) available for the ‘Change and Enhancement of Ecological Value’. It forms part of the assessment route 2 in ecology related assessment issues.
This route is defined as follows:
1.3 Route 2: For Sites Where Complex Ecological Systems are Likely to be Present
This is the more comprehensive route of assessment and as such can achieve a higher level of reward than Route 1 (See GN 34: BREEAM CEEQUAL and HQM Ecology Risk Evaluation Checklist for a definition of Route 1 and details of when it can be applied). Route 2 results in a higher potential overall reward and as such is better able to provide recognition for project teams’ actions and project outcomes under an Assessment.
The methodology outlined in this document does not apply to assessments being assessed under Route 1.
View full guidance note
GN36 Appendix C
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GN36 Appendix C (licensed assessors only)
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05 Jul 2024 Broken links updated
GN37: BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 scheme assessment timeline - KBCN1262
The assessment timeline tables included in the summary page of each category in the UK New Construction 2018 scheme manual have been reproduced in this Guidance Note. The timeline has been produced to assist with optimising project sustainability performance. It outlines at which stage credits should be addressed and ideally when these should be considered by the design team, planner, contractors, owners, occupiers and other members of the project team to achieve the highest possible BREEAM rating at the minimum cost. It demonstrates that where BREEAM advice is taken on too late within the design and construction phases a number of BREEAM credits may not be achieved or only at additional cost or disruption.
View full Guidance Note (licensed assessors only)
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GN38 Relating drainage reports to BREEAM UK NC 2018 - KBCN1564
Latest version: v1.2, January 2023
Guidance Note 38 (GN38) has been produced to help assist BREEAM Assessors relate the contents of drainage reports to the ‘Surface water run-off’ and ‘Minimising watercourse pollution’ criteria in Pol 03 for BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 and BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6. The guidance note does not cover the criteria for ‘Flood resilience’.
Completing the template is optional. It is an aid for demonstrating compliance and not a requirement.
A separate guidance note exists for BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 (see
Download Guidance Note 38
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31-Jan-2023 – Release of GN38 1.2. Fixes issue with incorrectly linked inputs (8c and 10a).
GN39 Ene 01 Calculation Methodology – BREEAM UK NC 2018, V6.0, and V6.1 - KBCN1098
Latest version: v3.0, June 2023
Guidance Note 39 describes the calculation methodology for the energy performance criteria (up to 9 credits) in Ene 01 for BREEAM UK New Construction 2018, Version 6.0, and Version 6.1.
Download Guidance Note 39
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14-Jun-2023 - Updated for release of UK NC V6.1
GN40 Reporting template for ecology assessment issues in BREEAM and HQM - KBCN1190
Latest version: v0.2, July 2022
Guidance Note 40 is an optional template to help Assessors relate information generated during a project to the latest ecology assessment issues in BREEAM and HQM. This document has been produced to support the assessment of these issues and should not be interpreted as criteria. If the Assessor chooses to use the template as evidence, then the Assessor, project team member, or appointed Suitably Qualified Ecologist must complete all relevant sections. The completed document can be used by the Assessor along with relevant project documentation to demonstrate compliance with BREEAM or HQM criteria.
Download Guidance Note 40
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GN43 – Home Quality Mark: Energy and Cost - KBCN1438
The purpose of this guidance note is to provide a background to the calculation methodologies underpinning the awarding of
credits in the ‘Energy and Cost’ issue in the Home Quality Mark (HQM) ONE.
See full Guidance Note (licensed assessors only)
See all Guidance Notes (licensed assessors only)
GN44 – Home Quality Mark Temperature Guidance - KBCN1439
This guidance note provides background to the calculation methodology that underpins the ‘HQM high temperature
reporting tool’ and the ‘Temperature’ assessment issue in the Home Quality Mark technical manual (scheme versions: HQM
ONE and Beta).
See full Guidance Note (licensed assessors only)
See all Guidance Notes (licensed assessors only)
GN45 BREEAM Pre-Approval Process - KBCN1440
Latest version: v0.2, January 2024
Assessments carried out in accordance with BREEAM schemes rely on evidence to demonstrate compliance with the relevant assessment criteria. This evidence usually relates only to a specific development (e.g. an individual new building or refurbishment project) because key aspects of the design, materials specification, building services and construction process are unique to that development. BRE Global evaluation of the assessment is conducted at the end of the process through the Quality Assurance audit. However, where multiple buildings share standard design elements or specifications, BRE Global can evaluate a partial assessment based upon a standard set of evidence. This evaluation is referred to as a ‘Pre-Approval’.
Guidance Note 45 (GN45) describes the BREEAM Pre-Approval Process. Pre-Approval provides efficiencies in the assessment process and greater assurance of the final scores and ratings that are achievable across multiple developments using standard evidence. It is important to note that a Pre-Approval does not replace individual building-level assessments or the BRE Global Quality Assurance audit. Instead, it contributes to the design stage evidence requirements for individual assessments.
Download Guidance Note 45
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01-Feb-2024 - Updated for release of GN45 0.2. Now refers to the standard fee sheet (FS036).
GN48 Ene 01 Calculation Methodology – BREEAM International NC V6 - KBCN1487
Latest version: v1.1, February 2022
Guidance Note 48 describes the calculation methodology for energy performance under the Ene 01 issue of BREEAM International New Construction Version 6. The methodology has been revised for the new version of the scheme and uses a triple metric approach that addresses energy demand, energy consumption, and CO
2 emissions. The aim of using this approach is to recognise and promote designs that minimise energy consumption in buildings, and reduce the carbon emissions from that energy use.
Download Guidance Note 48
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GN50 Natural light calculation methodology for Hea 01 in BREEAM V7 - KBCN1683
Latest version: v0.0, July 2024
Guidance Note 50 describes the calculation methodologies that underpin the natural light issue (Hea 01) within BREEAM New Construction Version 7 (UK and International). Guidance is provided for methodologies relating to the daylight criteria and the evaluation of glare from daylight criteria. All the calculation methods outlined in the technical manual for these criteria are described in this guidance note.
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GN51 Guidance on LCA and embodied carbon calculations for Mat 01 in BREEAM V7 - KBCN1684
Latest version: v0.0, July 2024
Guidance Note 51 provides supporting information for the new Mat 01 criteria in BREEAM Version 7. Its development is driven by the introduction of new credit allocation criteria for Mat 01. While the core principles of measuring and reporting a building's environmental performance through life cycle assessment (LCA) and benchmarking were introduced in BREEAM UK New Construction 2018, significant revisions have been made to align the criteria across BREEAM schemes and with existing LCA frameworks and methodologies. This guidance note explains the primary methodology for Mat 01, including minimum requirements and the scope of the LCA.
Download Guidance Note 51
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Guidance Note 35 withdrawn - KBCN1355
Guidance Note 35 has been withdrawn following the publication of v3.0 of the BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 Technical manual. This manual reissue includes all of the information contained in this guidance note in a revised form and supersedes the GN content. As such the GN should not be used for assessment purposes and it has been archived. A copy can be downloaded if required for archive purposes only.
Please see
KBCN1221 regarding the original Guidance Note 35.
Guidance Note 40 to be updated - KBCN1356
Following the publication of v3.0 of the BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 Technical manual, the wording in Guidance Note 40 differs to some degree from that in the manual. However, the underlying content is the same and the form may still be used to provide evidence for assessments. Alternatively, it may be used to guide the preparation of evidence in a different format if preferred. This GN will be updated to fully correspond to the wording in the reissued manual.
Please see
KBCN1190 regarding the purpose and scope of Guidance Note 40.
Indoor air quality plan – Guidance Note 6 - KBCN0618
Latest version: v2.1 August 2022
Guidance Note 6 provides guidance to assessors and project teams regarding the content and rigour of an Indoor Air Quality Plan (IAQP) as required by the Hea 02 Indoor air quality criteria in the BREEAM New Construction and Refurbishment schemes.
It should not be interpreted as BREEAM criteria. It is intended to provide assessors and project teams with further, flexible information and guidance regarding the rigour, content and tasks of an IAQP.
Download Guidance Note 6 (licensed assessors only)
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10-Oct-2022 - Title amended to align with standard KBCN naming format for clarity and consistency.
Relating drainage reports to BREEAM – GN15 and GN38 - KBCN1169
Guidance Note 15 (GN15) and
Guidance Note 38 (GN38) have been produced to help assist BREEAM Assessors relate the contents of drainage reports to the ‘Surface water run-off’ and ‘Minimising watercourse pollution’ criteria in Pol 03. They do not cover the criteria for the ‘Flood resilience’.
We have published two separate Guidance Notes because there are small, but significant, differences between the criteria in the two schemes (UK NC 2014 and UK NC 2018). This means that the Guidance Notes are not interchangeable:
- GN15 can only be used for the assessment of BREEAM UK New Construction 2014.
- GN38 can only be used for the assessment of BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 and BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6.
Note: Completing either template is optional. They are aids for demonstrating compliance and are not a requirement.
Reward Scale for UKNC LE04 - KBCN1376
Guidance Note 36 outlines a rewards scale (table 9) for the credits awarded in LE04, Ecological Change and Enhancement.
Table 9 breaks down the credits into 4 sections:
- Minimising loss
- No net loss
- Net Gain
- Significant net gain
For UKNC 2018, sections 1-3 correspond to the 3 credits awarded when a project follows the comprehensive route. Exemplary level credits are given if section 4 is achieved.
[KBCN withdrawn] ~ Erratum – Table 1 in GN22 v2.5 - KBCN1436
Table 1 in V2.5 of GN22 has two footnote symbols missing:
• Product Type column – Paints and varnishes should read Paints and varnishes*
• Product Type column – Wood panels should read Wood panels^
10-Oct-2022 KBCN withdrawn as GN22 has been re-issued with fixes.
Information correct as of 27thDecember 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.