Following the publication of UK NC V6 it was announced that the Post-Occupancy Stage (POS) assessment within BREEAM will close with immediate effect. While we will no longer be offering this as an assessment option, the essence and intent behind the criteria will remain.
At this stage, we will not be re-issuing the UKNC 2018 manual. Therefore, reference to POS will remain within the following issues:
- Ene 01 Reduction of energy use and carbon emissions (two credits for Post-Occupancy Stage)
- Ene 02 Energy monitoring
- Wat 01 Water consumption
- Wat 02 Water monitoring
To award the relevant credits, the references to ‘Post-Occupancy Stage assessment’ should be read as ‘Post-Occupancy Evaluation’ and carried out with the same intent; to understand and close the performance gap.
For assessments that have been certified at Post-Construction, are in progress or are new assessments, the Post Occupancy Evaluation process should continue to be followed, however there is no formal post-occupancy BREEAM certification stage. Rating systems such as BREEAM in-Use and NABERS UK Energy for Offices are examples of tools that can be used to measure performance in the operational phase.
18-05-23: KBCN edited to illustrate that credits can be awarded.