Erratum – Electric Vehicles (EV) charging stations criteria

In the BREEAM In-Use International Technical Manual, the  Electric Vehicles (EV) charging criteria and their evidence were incorrectly referenced. The requirements for EV charging stations should read as follows

Answer G Electric Vehicles (EV) charging stations are provided for ≥5% of the car parking capacity.


The methodology indicates the number of charging stations required should be calculated as a percentage of the total car parking capacity.  The ≥5%  in Answer G indicates that at least 5% of the total parking spaces in the residential development should be equipped with EV charging stations.

If the number of charging facilities that should be supplied is not a whole number, it must be rounded up to the nearest whole number. For example, where the number of charging facilities that should be provided is calculated to be 10.2, the actual number of facilities that must be provided is 11.

Charging stations for Car Clubs cannot count towards the percentage provided for residents.


The manual incorrectly referred to criterion 7 for the EV charging stations in the evidence section. The evidence requirement should refer to Criterion 5 and should be read as follows:


Evidence requirement


Calculations showing the percentage and number of charging stations


Site plan showing the location and number of electric vehicle charging stations